Is 17 days long enough?



  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    One more thing... I've never weighed food in my life. I wonder if I am just one of the few people who actually overestimate their food intake. It makes me wonder.

    That's a big secret you've been holding on to :)

    You basically have two options... 1) start weighing everything... Even if you didn't keep it up, at least you can get a visual of what one tbsp/tsp/cup/100g's of something looks like. I measure/weigh everything I eat, with one exception, I won't always measure the peanut butter I put on my toast because after measuring so many table spoons of pb and seeing how it looks on a slice of toast, you get pretty good at eyeballing it. 2) If you're eyeballing your food, just eyeball a few more calories.

    I'm in the same boat as you now, I started maintenance on April 1st but I already know my calories are currently too low, so I'm just planning on upping my daily intake by 100cal every week until I level out, but as I mentioned above my meals are very calculated and very much numbers based.
    Yeah I think I'm just going to eyeball more calories. I just don't want to buy a food scale. I know their relatively cheap but I didn't need it to lose weight before so I figure I'm probably off on a pretty consistent basis. So I'll add more of my eyeballing calories!