Hi everybody! New here -trying to lose 50

Hi I'm Dan and I'm new to this app. I'm looking for some motivation and encouragement!
I want to lose 40-50 lbs and get fit. I would appreciate any and all support and I will gladly return the favor. Have an awesome day!


  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Hey Dan!! Welcome aboard!!! The best thing you did was to start! Believe me, that is the toughest thing to do!! At least for me it was!! You can do it, :))))
  • jamesleesmith
    jamesleesmith Posts: 60 Member
    hey Dan, welcome and good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • bluescholar
    bluescholar Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Dan. welcome to the club! I, like you, would like to lose 50. After being at it for a while, I changed my goal. Lifestlye. That is what led to the poundage. A slow gradual consistency over time. Lb loss, with and end in mind, while noble, is less than ideal. My advice? what changes can you make that you actually have a shot of maintaining, perpetually, without an end in site and that will lead to a healthier you? Lifestyle. Hate to beat this to death. how. log everything. all activity all calories. fig out your maintenance calories. establish a daily goal. fig out what deficit is reasonable. what is sensible? learn how some of what you eat can quickly add up, then rather than deny yourself, budget within your calorie goal as needed. Also understand how you need to increase protein and included weights so you don't end up "skinny fat". This means you could gain lbs because of composition mix but still be better off and healthier. I learned a lot using fitness pal. what? dam salad dressings. i am a condiment guy. love extra extra. now i understand that while not big on sweets those Italian dressing TBs add up even though i never considered them into the equation. I weigh weekly just to chart and to have metrics. but i feel better, clothes are looser. reaching the last belt loops. My goal is to just simply keep up my awareness and logging of calories and stay committed to my fitness program. Realize food is for energy so if i eat then i need to exercise. if i don't plan to wk out i eat less. if i plan to cardio only, maybe eat a lil more. if i lift and do cardio (and shovel snow for example), then i know i can have some of the things i don't get to eat as often. it's simple math. if you eat more than you expend, it will be stored. it took time to accumulate. it will take time to burn off. Good luck. Be patient. More about me: I started on 1/7. I have lost 16 1bs total but gained 3 back. I do cardio 6 days a week (I take Fridays off) and lift 3 days a week. I took this week off to experiment with results. I don't plan to stop.
  • bluescholar
    bluescholar Posts: 5 Member
    I took this week off from weights, only. Not cardio.