Mind/Body/Soul Journey: Eating clean, getting strong, learning to chill...

Hi there,

I'm looking for others out there who are starting the same sort of journey that I am. I've been overweight most of my life, and I'm at that breaking point where I realize I need to make a lot of changes. For a variety of reasons, I've started this journey many, many times (with some big successes along the way) but the changes just never stuck. I was usually motivated by an upcoming event, a recent break up, you name it. I finally realize that the only way I can do this is if I decide to do it for me. This is still a work in progress for me.

I am easily tripped up - thrown off by a bad day of eating, a less-than-awesome workout, life - so I'm looking to establish a small group of MFP'ers who are game to rely on each other through good days and (inevitably) bad. I'm looking for others who are approaching their weight loss in a balanced way - eating healthy and clean, exercising more, and taking time out to relax.

My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week, with a goal weight loss of 40 lbs.

If my story sounds like yours, message me, and we'll set up a small group to support each other through our journeys...


  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Wow we sound very similar.
  • c3bo
    c3bo Posts: 6
    I want to lose at least 1 pound a week but I am not looking to just lose weight but change my entire thinking around food and my life because in the past I have only wanted to lose weight and have failed miserably.
  • csb66
    csb66 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Jane, Im sure each of us have pretty much the same story, whether you have a small amount of weight to lose, or a great deal of weight. I have made this commitment for myself and no one else. I have started and fail so many times I can't even tell you how many. I have staved myself along with crazy dieting, eating everything but the kitchen sink and felt like crap afterwards, only to do it again, and again. BUT this time is different I have come to realize that I was standing in my own way, and now I am on the right track to understanding myself, my body and what I need to strengthen and motivate me. Dont look back, keep going, keep moving forward and if you need support please know that I am, as well as others are here for you. And as "C3bo" said it's not about losing weight, it's about a lifestyle you must adopt, if not you will be spinning your wheels forever, you must committee, A diet is like a relationship, you cant cheat and expect it to work.
  • jane_76
    jane_76 Posts: 43 Member
    It's great to hear from you all. I'm sorry for the delay in following up. For some reason, I didn't receive any notifications that I'd received any replies.

    csb66, your diet analogy really hit me hard. It's so true. For my journey, I'm going to tweak it a bit to encompass everything (not just diet) and remind myself that maintaining my health is like a relationship - if I don't set aside time for it and stay committed and faithful to it, it won't last.

    I had a great start to the week, but the end of the week was a different story. Life happened in a big way - car issues, parent in hospital, part-time job made for a 15-hour day. On top of that, I (once again) made too many changes too fast, so I was exhausted by Wednesday night. Instead of beating myself up, I'm choosing to try and have four solid days next week, and then five the week after.

    Baby steps towards new habits and better balance. :)