New member but frustrated



  • runninghealthy
    runninghealthy Posts: 21 Member
    Congratulations on what you've accomplished so far! Be proud!

    I don't want to repeat what others have said, but do want to add that my husband is a fitness trainer and said that he often sees clients struggle and feel discouraged in their first half a year or so, especially those that have a lot to lose, because as they are gaining muscle, they can also be gaining inches. This is okay!! Normally, it means that your muscles are growing and strengthening. At this point, there is still some body fat between the muscle and the skin, so that, as your muscles are growing, you are noticing a growth in inches (particularly in the legs, as you mentioned. Often around the middle as well). You need those muscles to grow so that they are able to sustain you for longer and tougher workouts, which will eventually melt off all the fat, and THEN you'll start to see the inches drop off.

    I'd suggest not to focus on inches until you are fairly close to your goal weight.
    And yes, as others have said, protein helps to promote muscle growth, and regeneration after tough workouts.
  • Dano47
    Dano47 Posts: 7 Member
    first let me congratulate you getting to the point in your life that you feel there's a desire to change. we all know that gd eating habits and fitness is the key to wellness and longevity unfortunately there are very few of us that actually take on and stick with a fitness regiment. We are the minority and others look at us and wish they could do it, or say they should be doing that. I'm no expert but don't build your training around the need for a PT. Learn what u need from ur PT, read, educate yourself about workouts and fitness through, the web, womens or mens health mags and forums such as this for inspiration and move on. This will b your journey, a battle between u and yr body. u'll be doing this for yrself and no one else. Get that can't do person out of yr head that frustrates u.
    remember u have to cut the calories, but u can't stave yrself. eat clean the majority of the time, cut all carbs for dinner, just protein and vegs. lots of fruits are added sugar, which is ur enemy. fall in love w lean meat and vegs. tons of water, no other fluids and keep the body moving. walk, briskfully. If ur breathing hard that's it. Get away from that weight scale, in the beginning it's not yr friend. For the first few months the body will transition from fat to muscle which will never be seen on a scale. I often see people walking so slow that its almost a waste of time. u gotta get your heart rate up and keep it there for a least 20-30 mins. 5 days a week. don't kill yrself but u gotta change the habit from a sedentary lifestyle to moving, walking, strength training, walking the dog. it has to become a lifestyle or u'll be frustrated and finished in a month. Bottom heavy or u want to burn, fall in love with lower body exercises, squats, squat and press. steal a few tips from YouTube, fat burning wrkouts for beginners, also The Couch -to -5k program maybe a gd start for you. Get mean, get inspired and get busy. Gd luck.