Help! Motivation needed


So the last couple years I've been focusing on getting healthy and changing my habits and I have been fairly successful, however since my wedding a month ago I have pretty much abandoned all my healthy behaviors (meal prep, gym etc) I really need to get re-focused and I'm not really sure how, I tried a HIIT workout last night and totally phoned it in. So disappointed in myself. Help me find my motivation!!!


  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    You need to make working out fun and a habit. Start building a habit by going for a walk every day, rain or shine, for 30 days.

    Find a workout routine you wold enjoy. HIIT is fantastic cardio, but not fun in my opinion. So just do that when you feel especially amped. Find something else that's more enjoyable that you can easily commit to regularly. Anything is better than nothing.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Sounds like you need another goal to shoot for. Previously, it was your wedding. Now that has come and past and it seems more like an "end point". Now is the time to set your next goal to work toward. It could be an event or a fitness challenge or whatever, but make sure you see this goal as just another step on a continuous path and NOT an ending point.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    What is your goal? If you don't have one then set one.
    If weight loss is not a goal then a fitness goal might be a good choice. Maybe participate in some challenge or race if just personally improving doesn't get you going.
    Try something new and fun.