Yes another please look at my diary thread. Thank you!!

Ok I have been playing around with the same 5 pounds for the last 3 or 4 weeks. 145-150. I am playing around calories/net calories/cheat days ect. I usually try to burn 500 calories a day with stair stepper. It is a home one though and I may not be burning as much as it says.

I joined the Y yesterday so I will be adding weights. I am usually pretty fit. My highest was 180 lowest 118 (too low for 5'10). I haven't worked out for about 4 years because a diagnosis of PTSD. Trying to get back in the game and want to be fit and about 140. Thanks!


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Looking through your diary the main thing I have to say is that you've got a lot of measurements in cups and tablespoons - these can be terribly inaccurate. Buy a food scale and weigh everything, you may be surprised how much you're actually eating!