Help me lower my Blood Pressure Please!!

Kimber100683 Posts: 24 Member
edited January 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello, I am Kim. About 4 years ago I was told I have HBP. I have been losing my battle with it though. I am currently taking medication but recently I have been getting high readings. This strikes me as odd, because recently I have changed my diet and started exercising. Either way... my blood pressure is high and I want to lower it with out any additional medication. Can you offer any ideas to help lower it! I tried cutting out sodium, but I am not 100% sure what is high sodium and what is low? I think I am shooting for 2500mg right now.

On a side note and an additional question. I am limiting my workouts this week and last week because I think I have Planters Flaciatis(spelling?) Can anyone give me some tips to recover from that?? I do not want to cut out anymore workout time, and I am dieing to get back on my treadmill and walk on my lunches!!!
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