Introducing myself


I used to be pretty fit.

Tragedy struck, and circumstances stayed bad for a few years. I was hanging low on Maslow's Heirarchy, didn't have a space to work out in, and had little to no control over my nutrition.

I gained 50 lbs.

Now, life isn't perfect, but things have changed to put control back in my hands.

I've just started Chalean Extreme with 1 day of extra cardio + abs, and I came to myfitnessfriend to help me get back on track with nutrition.

Um... I guess I started an account 35 lbs ago and forgot about it lol :wink:

Back when I was "fit" I was really focused on how I looked. I think that sometimes my "fitness" wasn't so healthy.

I've learned, after gaining 50 lbs in a loving marriage, that how I look doesn't change my value as a person.

There are some pretty unhealthy messages around "fitness" and what "health" looks like and I don't want to slip back into a mindset of trying to feel acceptable.

I don't want to "get my body back," "get the body I've always wanted," or get a "new body."

I want to focus on my existing body becoming healthy, strong, and capable - so I can feel awesome, and do all of the awesome things I used to do.

I'm sure it will look good on me!

I hope to get your support, and I look forward to supporting all of you!