What happens after I've lost the weight?

I'm still learning about how weight loss really works but so far I've lost 5kg (which would be about 11lbs) and I'm aiming to lose another 5kg.
But what happens once I've done that? Would my diet change?
I also really want to get more toned (i.e. hot) but I've been led to believe that it's hard to build muscle when losing weight - so would I then build muscle once I've reached my target weight?


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Congratulations on your progress.
    My suggestion is to build up a "lifestyle change" for your life rather than a diet.
    Once you reach your target body weight (Yay !) , you do not have to eat at a deficit any longer but continue eating healthy. Eat at maintenance. This is more like a trial and error phase. You will have to find out what will work for you.
    In order to have a better body shape, my suggestion is to start lifting weights now. Please do not wait until you have achieved your target body weight.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Toned basically means losing the fat to reveal the muscle underneath. And as the previous poster said, you should start lifting weights NOW rather than later, to help preserve that lean muscle as you drop the fat.

    From your ticker on your profile, it looks like you only have about 9lbs to lose, so I'd go for a small calorie deficit, plenty of protein, and hit those weights. And track your measurements rather than just scale weight - as you get closer to goal, it really becomes less about the scale, and more about what's happening on the tape measure and what you see in the mirror. Snap some photos for comparison, too.