Is my food "obsession" normal?

I have lost over 75 pounds this past year and while my relationship with food has improved, I still find myself to be somewhat obsessed with it. While I am able to control myself around it better, I often spend a lot of my time thinking about it.

For example, I am constantly planning and thinking ahead about what I get to eat next, how many calories it is, how much of it I can eat, how can I work a treat into my day, ect. When I go out I am constantly flipping over products or looking at menus to see calorie counts. I spend large amount of time thinking about food. I am starting to wonder if I am borderline obsessed with it. I am a foodie and food brings me a great deal a pleasure,(I won't deny that) but I am wondering if my love of food is too extreme.

Can anyone relate to this?

Is this normal or could I have an unhealthy obsession with food?


  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    No, it doesn't sound normal and definitely should be scaled back. That being said, I'm 100% guilty of doing the exact same thing and am currently fighting my own reluctance to stop Dx it's just so great being able to eat whatever I want without feeling guilty about possibly overdoing it, blah! How do normal people do it >.>
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I've done this my entire life. At breakfast, I tjink about what I want for lunch. At lunch, I think about dinner, and at dinner, I think about breakfast the next day.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm guilty...
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I can't tell you what normal is. What is normal? But I'm totally the same way if that makes you feel any better. I think you have a lot of company, esp on this site.
  • justjack18
    justjack18 Posts: 720 Member
    I don't know if it's normal or not but I do it too. Sometimes i think about what iam going to eat the next day and if I gain weight iam in a bad mood the whole day..
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    If you think it's unhealthy, you should talk to someone. I think people have wildly varied ideas of "normal". What matters is how you feel about your relationship with food.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    me too, I know someone I work with is thin and never acts like me. But if I am not cautious I will overeat and gain back what I have lost. I guess it is just what it is.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    >I often spend a lot of my time thinking about it.

    Would you say you have a lot of varied interests, or not? If not, it's probably not so great to be so stoked about food.

    Food is cool when you're actively tasting it. Other than that few minutes a day, it doesn't do anything. It doesn't "exist"; it's not relevant to your experience. So I think it's best to spend your mental energy accordingly.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I don't know what is normal. However that doesn't seem abnormal.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If it's not normal, then we'll be weirdos together.
  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    I've caught myself thinking about the next thing ill get to eat WHILE I'm still eating!
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    edited March 2015
    You are not alone - I seem to be thinking about food all of the time, researching recipes, calculating calorie counts, shopping and researching food - I have been on maintenance for a year now and I am trying to wean back - it is starting to get a little better, now I just have to work on eating my way through my house instead of buying any additional groceries. For me, I just don't want to go back to the person I was when I started and add in to that the fact that I like not having to be on meds for diabetes and I am sure I seem a little obsessed. But do I want to be obsessed and 140 lbs or not think about food at all and weigh 340 lbs? Meh, been there done that, so for now I will live with it - and I pretty much keep it to myself so I'm not hurting anyone with it
  • littlebee55
    littlebee55 Posts: 71 Member
    I have noticed that whenever I use MFP, I do the EXACT same thing as you do. I never do it any other time. But, for me personally, I look at it as a good thing. It makes me not only aware of calories, but my macros and what ingredients I am putting in my body. Plus, I just find it fascinating how much and what kinds of things I can eat to get the most bang for my caloric buck. I was craving fried food today, so I had a plate of 1/2 fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. I didn't have the first clue how many calories was in it, but I did think about it a little. As a result, I only ate half my plate, so I was pleased that I saved myself hundreds of calories but also satisfied my whopping craving.

    My biggest thing I do is talk about it all the time. "Wow, did you know there are X amount of calories in such and such?" Or "Wow! I burned X amount of calories in that water aerobics class." I bet my family wants to strangle me sometimes. :-)
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Here's my .02: Does your "obsessing" interfere with your life in any significant way you don't like? Has it hurt your ability to do your work or enjoy other aspects of your life or does it interfere somehow with your relationship with others? If not, and it has helped you lose 75 lbs (amazing!) then I would say it's probably not a problem for you.

    I certainly spend a good deal of time planning and thinking about food, too, and the only thing I have had to moderate is keeping my enthusiasm about calorie counts or interesting facts about body fat etc. to myself (or post them on MFP!) because I know my husband isn't nearly as fascinated by all this as I am. Lol.

    Great job on the weight loss!
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Food is life... seriously tho. All day erry day and I'm not even sorry
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    Here's my .02: Does your "obsessing" interfere with your life in any significant way you don't like? Has it hurt your ability to do your work or enjoy other aspects of your life or does it interfere somehow with your relationship with others?

    These are really important questions. When we are carefully tracking all day it is going to feed some obsessiveness, that is normal. But yes, in some cases it can really become problematic.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    One thing to keep in mind is that being in semi-starvation can actually cause a lot of obsessionality. You might want to calculate your BMI, if you are in the underweight category then that would be a red flag. Also, if you are on the low end of normal, it could be a bit too low for you as an individual.

    Anyways, good luck. You've worked very hard and have great results, which is something to be proud of!
  • MikeSanchez2323
    MikeSanchez2323 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same problem but it doesn't interfere with my life, so I don't think it's that big of a deal.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I do it. But I'm happy, not bothered by it, and try to keep it to myself when I'm with people who aren't tracking. It doesn't bring me down, so I think it's fine. If I ever start to feel that it is interfering with my daily life or stressing me out too much, I'll reassess.
  • Kiku10
    Kiku10 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm like this, I think it's my brain chemistry. I'm pretty obsessive compulsive, so I've decided to go with it. As long as I am not binging too much or starving, I think it's OK, but that's me. I do let myself have a free day every week but still eat within reason, but avoid trigger foods. Good luck!