'Sup ya'll!!! Let's talk TWD....oh and fitness too I guess.

Ok, so....this is my first time posting anything on a forum that does not include talking about The Walking Dead or Marvel films. (Yes, they ARE films!) I've done MFP before but never really committed myself to it 100% so when I came across the forums, I realized that it's an awesome way to get that extra push when you have such positivity from people who are going through the same thing you are. I want to lose 75 pounds. Why? Because I wanna feel comfortable in my body and hopefully get knocked up next year (fingers crossed :) I definitely want to be as fit as possible before I have a baby and be able to bounce back as easy as possible to be able to be there for my child. So that's the jist of it. I look forward to meeting you guys! Thanks for reading my incoherent babbling!!!