Gotta brag a little



  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    That's so sweet! My husband has done a ton for me, like driving across the country every time he had a three day weekend in the army just to visit for 36 hrs before having to drive back.

    Now that we're married and living together if I had a rough day at work and am exhausted he'll make my tea for me so I can just sit around and be lazy. He also tucks me into bed every night since I go to bed first. :) He's also been really supportive of my weight loss journey and will give my "sore" muscles a rub, even though he's probably 10x as sore from working on cars all day.

    Best of all, he makes me laugh every day.

    I just have to say, I freaking love your profile picture! <3
  • Retrieverlove
    He is a very sweet winner of a husband!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I love that! That's great he's so supportive.

    My husband does all the "little things" all the time to make me feel like a queen. He's a great coach and cheerleader (he'd probably not like that I called him that, but for lack of a better term...) in my weight loss goals, and I don't know what I'd do without him :heart:
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    That is SO sweet of him! Congrats on the good catch! (-:

    My husband went into the kitchen the other day. My potassium has been low so I was laying on the sofa. I was not paying attention to what he was doing. He made us both a salad, and even measured mine out before he brought it to me.
    I thought it was incredibly sweet!
    Yesterday he took me to the ER after I injured my foot doing a workout. I had waited for him to get home instead of bothering him at work. He said, "Babe, any time you need me don't wait! Just call me. I don't mind." I simply said... "I love you to." :-) I was in to much pain to explain why I hadn't
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    My hubby cooks AND cleans (back off ladies, he's mine :wink: ) In fact, he probably does 90% of the cooking, since I just plain don't like to cook and he does. He doesn't even complain when we eat chicken or fish for the 19,520th night in a row, even though he's the type that's easily bored with the same foods. He's so proud of my progress and he's been there to support me through the good weigh ins and the bad eating days. He even went for a 7 mile walk with me last night. He's also an amazing dad, preferring to spend time playing games with his daughter to doing his own thing.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    My husband did one of the worst, but best things to help me this go round with my weight loss. When I first started, I asked him to help me stay on track, keep me motivated, and be my support system for the first three weeks because I could never make it past that time frame. He told me NO! I was so sad that we argued about it everyday during the first week. He did not want to talk about it with me, help me, or NOTHING! The funny thing is that we have been together 10 years and he knows me very well. I tend to have this thing where when something is not given to me or done when I ask, I prove that I can do it on my own. Guess what happened? I used my anger to prove to him that I did not need him and that I would do it on my own! My motivation was to show him that I didn't need him! Week 3, my husband came home with new weights and a jump rope for me and told me CONGRATS!!! He said that it was so hard for him to ignore my cry for help, but he knew that I would not quit because I wanted to show him that I didn't need him...He has been my support system every time I tried to lose weight but because I was depending on him, it never lasted. The two weeks that he made me do it for me, by myself, helped me to zone in on why I needed to lose this weight! Since week 3, he has been doing the normal, asking me about my day, asking me to work out together(my husband works out everyday). He has even started eating cleaner with me so that I am not tempted and things have been great! I experienced a few injuries over the past 5 weeks and he has been there to tell me don't give up! I will never be able to thank him enough for pushing me through what is always the hardest part of my journey, the 1st 2 weeks, because had he helped me, I may not have deveopled the independence to get fit on my own:)

    it might be the PMS or the allergies, but that one brought tears to my eyes!
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    Hubby and I are both working together to get healthy. I work full time, so he is cooking most of the time-plans meals-delicious, healthy and gorgeous to look at! Walks with me through the park after work-and is a wonderful father to our boys. I am blessed.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    this is my awesome husband Jon


    I took this picture of him this morning when i was tying my shoes to go to work, its hard to see what hes doing but hes not only making my lunch, but hes MEASURING the portion size. all this after he woke up when I couldn't fall back to sleep at four am. (I'm pregnant) recently I've been waking up at four and cant get back to bed, he gave me a massage, which helped me get back to sleep. then donated blood, then came home made my lunch for me. I have open amazing and awesome husband. I wanna yell it on a mountain! sometimes when i tell people how good my man is they ask, "Oh, he must be a stay at home dad?" no baby, after all this he takes the baby to daycare and then goes to work himself fulltime. He is amazing, my rock, my everything!

    what does your spouse do that is amazing? brag about em. good karma baby :)

    You have every right to brag:) My boyfriend has no weight problem whatsoever but he understands that without his help and support that I couldn't really do this on my own. He has been awesome! He will send me supportive texts when I'm at work or call to tell me he is so proud of me and tells me he knew I could do it! When we are together he doesn't munch on junk food because he knows it's way too tempting:)
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Now this ia a nice thread and OP the two of you are so lucky to have found each other!

    Well my hubby is super nice and I love him dearly and the other day I was doing laundry and hanging up our clothes which was a mountain pile of clothes, anywho he asked if he could help me and I usually say, no I got it, but this time I said yeah its alot of clothes and he actually stayed there in the closet and helped me hang up our clothes.

    I also wanna say that my hubby is an awesome father, he is always there for the kids and takes their education seriously, he taught me to expect more from our kids and they both ended this school year with A,B honor roll!! :)))
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Wow! what a wonderful thread.
    You are very lucky.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    My husband did one of the worst, but best things to help me this go round with my weight loss. When I first started, I asked him to help me stay on track, keep me motivated, and be my support system for the first three weeks because I could never make it past that time frame. He told me NO! I was so sad that we argued about it everyday during the first week. He did not want to talk about it with me, help me, or NOTHING! The funny thing is that we have been together 10 years and he knows me very well. I tend to have this thing where when something is not given to me or done when I ask, I prove that I can do it on my own. Guess what happened? I used my anger to prove to him that I did not need him and that I would do it on my own! My motivation was to show him that I didn't need him! Week 3, my husband came home with new weights and a jump rope for me and told me CONGRATS!!! He said that it was so hard for him to ignore my cry for help, but he knew that I would not quit because I wanted to show him that I didn't need him...He has been my support system every time I tried to lose weight but because I was depending on him, it never lasted. The two weeks that he made me do it for me, by myself, helped me to zone in on why I needed to lose this weight! Since week 3, he has been doing the normal, asking me about my day, asking me to work out together(my husband works out everyday). He has even started eating cleaner with me so that I am not tempted and things have been great! I experienced a few injuries over the past 5 weeks and he has been there to tell me don't give up! I will never be able to thank him enough for pushing me through what is always the hardest part of my journey, the 1st 2 weeks, because had he helped me, I may not have deveopled the independence to get fit on my own:)

    I love this story. It's amazing how after a while you get to know how the other one ticks. :) I feel like I'm still trying to figure out how my husband's brain works. lol
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    That's so sweet! My husband has done a ton for me, like driving across the country every time he had a three day weekend in the army just to visit for 36 hrs before having to drive back.

    Now that we're married and living together if I had a rough day at work and am exhausted he'll make my tea for me so I can just sit around and be lazy. He also tucks me into bed every night since I go to bed first. :) He's also been really supportive of my weight loss journey and will give my "sore" muscles a rub, even though he's probably 10x as sore from working on cars all day.

    Best of all, he makes me laugh every day.

    I just have to say, I freaking love your profile picture! <3

    Thanks. :) My sense of humor is a bit odd, so I thought it was funny. Couple of peeps from my FL were a bit shocked like I was putting a bag over my head in shame or something. Nope, just trying to be a lil anonymous while being humorous.