I'm Not New to Fitness Pal, But I'm Ready to Start Fresh

Hi there,

My name is Hannah and I'm 21 years old. I've been overweight pretty my whole life. It's something I've always struggled with. I love my shape proportion, but I need to lose the fat and tone up quite a bit. My goal is to get down to about 155-160 (I'm currently 245). I'm more concerned with feeling healthy, than the numbers on the scale. I've been working at an office job for about 6 months and although I am very grateful for the job, I can already start to see the negative impact it's having on my health.

I'm sitting in a chair for about 7+ hours a day, no bueno. My boyfriend and I have started going to the gym about 4 days a week focusing on cardio. I'm making small improvements, but it's still an uphill battle for me. I'm in the process of starting my own business and summer is right around the corner, so I want to start making positive changes in my life. I feel like the timing is right this time. I can use all the support possible. Thanks for reading!




  • madbaker3
    madbaker3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Hannah! I totally know where you are coming from. I was doing fairly well on the weight loss and then over the past couple of months, I just couldn't keep on track and gained several back. I wish you the best of luck!!!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Hiya Hannah and welcome back...YOU are going to make weight los your B*tch!!! JUST don't go "about 4x/week" GO exactly 4 times/week and more if you have the time... and IF you have time ot sit and watch TV, time to eat or breathe THEN you CAN make time to exercise.. IT will take you up to 12 weeks to create this gym habit... BUT THIS is about discipline find it... and you will have the keys to weight loss and a happy and healthier you... START with creating that workout habit...

    when I started at the gym I only managed 12 minutes on an elliptical trainer set on level 1 before I thought I was going to need an ambulance...NOW.. I don't even think about it... 3 days a week I am working hard.. on the cardio.. on the weights... some days I try to talk myself out of it... BUT I have begun to ignore those negative thoughts more often than I listen to them... SO.. stick to it... and YOU are going ot succeed. and don't get down on yourself if you miss a day... forget it.. and move forward.. don't look back... just keep moving forward... add me as a friend if you like... or don't...

    best of luck to you