Whole30 Thoughts?

33Freya Posts: 468 Member
I don't usually do restrictive diets (don't believe in dieting) but just read the IT STARTS WITH FOOD describing the Whole30 "program" and much of it makes sense. Normally I'd scoff, but I am seriously considering it.
It's basically 30 days of Paleo/Clean eating with a focus on proteins, veggies and fruits in that order.
My goal will be to reset habits and compulsions/cravings, as I have a bit of a yoyo going on and need to make a change- thinking this may be a kickstart for me.

Naysayers, you'll be preachin to the choir :P "Fad, restrictive, you don't need detox, etc etc" I got these in my own pocket. Post anyway if you'd like though :disagree:

I would like to hear from people who have done or attempted to do the full 30 days. How was it for you? Highlights? Lowlights? Effects? Worth it? Etc.


  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I haven't done it, a friend of mine did it and loved it so much, she just didn't stop and she says she feels great all the time.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Says "I don't do restrictive diets"

    Seriously considers restrictive diet.


    Signed, naysayer #1
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Imo, if someone has a problem with compulsive eating, restriction diets are going to only make it worse. Some people can do it and not have issues. Have you tried gradually trying to eat the foods you have compulsive issues with regularly, within your calorie goal? It's not going to be an overnight thing, but getting rid of the "forbidden/bad" aspect of certain foods helped me see them normally A LOT.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    edited March 2015
    Yes Lavender, and I know I can stay within my calorie budget, I just don't at times- compulsive comes in for me when I don't stop at one drink or one piece of chocolate, etc. Then in comes "F' it" and before I know it, I'm over and still going nowhere. Like I said, I wouldn't usually consider such a restrictive deal, but the book brought up some good points, and a friend just finished it, so I am considering it.
    - Ceoverturf- love the meme ;) KEYWORD: USUALLY, haha!!
  • jenna_78
    jenna_78 Posts: 2
    I'm on day 15 of the Whole30 program and I absolutely LOVE it. I was a bit skeptical at first. It's not a weight loss program, it isn't a diet. It teaches you how to redirect your habits, and for me, it's taught me a lot about my relationship with food. I don't eat processed foods, grains, dairy, etc. I'm following it as close as I can, and even made my own clarified butter.

    The effects you feel depends on the individual person. If you eat a lot of processed foods packed full of non food additives, and very high carb foods, you may feel icky the first couple of days.

    I can only speak of my own personal experience. Before I started, I wasn't sleeping good, I always felt like I was drained, I ate just to eat and not for the sustainability that food is supposed to be used for. I'm only on day 15 and since day 3 I haven't had any aches and pains, no headaches, I'm not moody, not dealing with the usual PMS issues, I have a sleep schedule, more energy at the gym, I don't crave anything (gasp, not even chocolate). I thought when I started this program that I would have a long list of foods that I would miss horribly, but the only food item I miss is cheese.

    It's not for everyone, it does take a lot of commitment and change. The most important part of the Whole30 aside from knowing the foods you can and can't have is planning. I tried zoodles for the first time in my life, I made zucchini noodles and found a whole 30 approved "pizza sauce" that I doctored up into a mouth watering spaghetti sauce. I will never go back to eating noodles again, and I made cauliflower rice, I enjoyed it enough to know that pasta and rice won't be in my food pantry anymore.

    They tell you to not step on the scale while doing the program, I of course did. I'm losing weight, but I think most of it was water. However I have dropped a pant size. Those that are healthy may benefit from the program by doing it just to see if there are any foods that cause adverse reactions that they weren't aware of before. I figure if everyone feels as good as most of the people in the Whole30 forum, it can't be a bad thing.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't think it makes sense as a way that people need to eat to have a nutritious diet, and the authors' labeling foods like grains, legumes, and dairy as, essentially, bad foods (that used to extend even to potatoes, but I believe potatoes are now permitted) makes me rather skeptical of them and the program.

    That said, it's essentially an elimination diet to see if you feel better without certain foods and while I think far fewer people are sensitive to the foods in question (except dairy, as lactose intolerance IS really common) than current diet trends would have you believe, I don't think there's anything wrong with trying it to see if you feel good or if there are longer term changes you want to make and for some people it has positive results.

    I do restrictive-type things on occasion because for me it can help make me expand my choices and think beyond some of the things I'm used to. Sometimes I've found it helpful, sometimes less so, so the main thing I'd say is just be open to changing course if you decide to do it and it's not working. (I briefly considered Whole30, but I know I'm not bothered by any of the foods in question, I think dairy in particular is a positive that I'd have a hard time replacing easily, and the reasons given at the time for excluding potatoes seemed really stupid, so I didn't do it. I also think that legumes and whole grains are positive additions for lots of people and am actually trying to eat more at the moment. But trying a way of eating that might have positive results for you isn't a bad thing--organizing meals around protein and veggies has always made sense to me and is what I try to do.)
  • itsmeGennie
    itsmeGennie Posts: 39 Member
    My sister did it, she loved it because the recipes are delicious.

    I don't know if eating real food is restrictive dieting but I think I get what you mean bc it restricts some food groups. I think you can slowly add them back in to see how your body feels.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I did it and I gained weight. But I wasn't logging anything and now that I look back I was probably eating close to 3000 calories a day.
  • ChristinaDaley
    ChristinaDaley Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on day 11 and I love it! I have never felt better. My goal is to continue to eat whole30 except on special occasions. I love it that much!
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    It sounds like an interesting experiment, but I can't picture how I'd get my 2600 calories a day with no grains, or legumes, or dairy. I like meat, but I am not up for sitting down to 800 calories of meat and a bunch of low calorie veggies at every meal. Jenna above is talking about zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice. That sounds like low cal food to me. I am not trying to avoid calories. I do like avocados and nuts, but not every meal of every day.
  • happening5
    happening5 Posts: 63 Member
    Just finished day 7. I read the book and until you read it you will probably never fully understand why people choose to do it. You are right there was alot of "sense" in there. The couple that started this believes in the program so much that everything you need to do this challange is free and easily accessable. There is no gimmick here they tell you how and why it works and let you make the decisions. I didn't suffer from headaches at all. I did feel a little sluggish yesterday but also got next to no sleep due to visiting family in the Hospital. Like you I needed to get my snacking and cravings under control. I have lost 70 pounds on MFP alone just eating and walking and jogging. However, I've been stuck and wavering between 66-71 pounds lost for 7 months now. I know it says not to get on the scale but my brain is wired to watch what I eat and i felt like I was eating more now then ever before so I was curious. 8 Pounds!!! in 7 days! i'm finally over the speed bump i'd been stuck at for months and the cravings are gone. My kids mention chocolate or doughnuts or Arby's and my mouth isn't watering for them the way they once did.
    I believe it's too early to say if i'll always be whole 30 but it's not a tough as I expected it to be. Give it a try!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    jddnw wrote: »
    It sounds like an interesting experiment, but I can't picture how I'd get my 2600 calories a day with no grains, or legumes, or dairy. I like meat, but I am not up for sitting down to 800 calories of meat and a bunch of low calorie veggies at every meal. Jenna above is talking about zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice. That sounds like low cal food to me. I am not trying to avoid calories. I do like avocados and nuts, but not every meal of every day.

    You can easily eat that many cals a day. Whole eggs, cooking in fat, fatty cuts of meat and oily fish, starchy vegies, mayo, avocado. It's not overly difficult!
  • aKate_
    aKate_ Posts: 72 Member
    I lost all the initial weight by eating less and exercising. But when I hit maintenance (I am now 5lbs higher than my lowest weight) and I needed to find a way to not count calories everyday. Even though I am also against restrictive diets, when I ran into Whole30, I thought it may be worth a try since the premise is eat lots of veggies and some meat with a little bit of fruit. That is what I told myself I was already eating. WRONG.

    I went through all the stages (described in the book) of lack of energy to crankiness. But now I try to eat that way most of the time. I emerged from that month with so much energy and confidence. The month of my first Whole30 was extremely hectic and full of travel. I only exercised a little bit.

    My husband has always had a lot of allergies. Whole30 helped us identify more.

    I didn't lose a lot weight, maybe 4 lbs, but I was a lot less bloated. I lost a total of 10 inches in bloat.

    I curbed my mindless eating. I am an emotional snacker. When I am tired, bored, anxious, stressed, distracted I usually munch. But getting my meals down to 3 times a day really worked for me.

    Is it restrictive? Sort of. Restrictive in cutting some things out, but they say to eat until you are full. At first I was eating way bigger portions but they have downsized naturally as I have learned to listen to my body. And it is only 30 days. I have recommended to everyone I know because there is something everyone can learn about themselves and their habits in 30 days. Then go back to however you were eating before if that makes your body feel better.

    This is based on my own personal experience. Whole30 has completely changed my relationship with food and myself.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    This is basically how I eat now. Protein, veg, nuts, fruit. Super healthy. Sometimes I do have some whole grains like quionoa or brown rice, ezekiel bread...but it's a very small amount. You still have to measure your food. It's not a free for all but I feel really good and so much leaner and less bloated. I have noticed it in my stomach especially. Good luck with it. It's not hard. Oh, I do eat Greek Yogurt.