No more excuses

I am lazy, greedy and have a huge appetite. These are the reasons I have to lose 4 stone. I really hope to be inspired by people on here and that tracking will educate me on portion sizes as I don't think I'm supposed to eat mountains of food, think it should be molehills!! So tracking, tracking, tracking. And moving. I really must move more. Hopefully it will make me look better, and feel a bit better about myself too!! Cos at the moment, I is disgusting! :o


  • sirmon8
    sirmon8 Posts: 5
    Don't be so hard on yourself... this is the reason why you joined MFP. Let's do it together. How much are you looking to lose? I'm back for the last and final time. I'm ready to shred 50+ pounds for beginners and I'm super excited about it... :)
  • Mah00sive
    Mah00sive Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your kind words. In here to do something about it. 56lbs to lose! Good luck!!