I knew I had it coming!!!!

jlo7 Posts: 45
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone!!! I really need help. The last few weeks of my diet have been horrible. I lost a total of 7 lbs in 2 weeks because I was sick and couldn't keep anything down and then when I felt better, I didn't eat enough because I wanted to keep the weight off from being sick. I was doing great and losing weight at a healthy pace until I got sick. I was so happy to be in the 140's and everyone was starting to notice and I even felt comfortable in a swimsuit. For once I didn't feel like a mom of 3. After feeling all happy and confident with myself, I ruined everything. This week, I did not exercise at all, everyday I would stop logging in my food after breakfast and I gained back the 7 lbs plus 2 more!!! WTF?? I am so disgusted with myself and I know I need to get back on track and I know how to but this really shows me that I still have weight loss issues and it will really take some time to change my lifestyle. This really feels like a huge set back but I know I shouldn't have lost that much so fast in the first place. Did anyone have the same experiences?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I lost 2 pounds from food poisoning the weekend before my birthday, allowing me to come 1 lb within my mini-goal (a certain weight on my birthday)...then I drank and gained those 2 and another back and it took me a week and a half to get down, and I've been at that weight since then (April). So yeah...I can imagine your frustration. I didn't gain as much as you did and it's kind of a different situation but I definitely understand feeling like you've gone backwards or nowhere at all.

    Just get back into what you were doing before and lose the weight the RIGHT way.
  • jlo7
    jlo7 Posts: 45
    I lost 2 pounds from food poisoning the weekend before my birthday, allowing me to come 1 lb within my mini-goal (a certain weight on my birthday)...then I drank and gained those 2 and another back and it took me a week and a half to get down, and I've been at that weight since then (April). So yeah...I can imagine your frustration. I didn't gain as much as you did and it's kind of a different situation but I definitely understand feeling like you've gone backwards or nowhere at all.

    Just get back into what you were doing before and lose the weight the RIGHT way.
  • jlo7
    jlo7 Posts: 45
    Thanks Arielle, I'll try again. I guess I should change my ticker.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    start over.....start over...start over....
    you can do it...
    dont look back, just forward....
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    Don't beat yourself up about this. You were sick it was probably water weight you lost anyway. Don't be disgusted with yourself you are beautiful!!! The best thing to do is to be honest make sure you log in everything there will be bad days, good days but there's always another day to start again. This episode should make you realize ok this happened... if it happens again I'll do this differently. If you can't work out at least take a walk or clean up around the house this will help you burn some calories :smile: Don't forget the more you stress the worst so please don't girl we are all here to help and offer support :heart:
  • Anely05
    Anely05 Posts: 15
    Dont get discouraged and just keep going with your exercise routines and logging in your daily consumptions! I had a similar experience also. In about a week and two days I lost 10lbs because I coudnt eat after my tonsillectomy. But as soon as I was able to start eating regular food...the weight came back with a vengeance.
  • MariaATX
    MariaATX Posts: 14
    We have all been there! .....sucks :)

    I just try to remember i am one party or bbq or cupcake from square one.....after all my hard work.

    Is that cupcake worth it?......Hell No! I feel so comfortable when i am not bloated. I try and focus on feeling comfortable and not on the taste of that stupid cupcake for that one minute I enjoy it.
  • jlo7
    jlo7 Posts: 45
    Don't beat yourself up about this. You were sick it was probably water weight you lost anyway. Don't be disgusted with yourself you are beautiful!!! The best thing to do is to be honest make sure you log in everything there will be bad days, good days but there's always another day to start again. This episode should make you realize ok this happened... if it happens again I'll do this differently. If you can't work out at least take a walk or clean up around the house this will help yu burn some alories :smile: Don't forget the more you stress the worst so please don't girl we are all here to hemlp and offer support :heart:

    Thanks Pam. I'm just soooo impatient. I know I'll get there but I just feel like if I could get my weight problems in control, then it will free up a huge part of my life and stress. I have so much going on right now with the kids and their sports and all the birthday parties...I know, blah blah, I'm not the only one with these issues. I really appreciate the support!
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