Learning how to eat healthy

Hi everyone!

I've used myfitness pal a few times, always leaving because I give up on trying to lose weight. Well this time I am here to stay! I have been trying to get in shape since my sophomore year of high school, so about 6/7 years ago. There are so many reasons I want to lose weight and get fit, so it has always confused me as to why I cant stay motivated long enough to do it. I think I made weight loss more about a destination rather than a journey and recognizing it as a lifestyle. I haven't worn jeans in years, and have become way too comfortable with wearing things like leggings and workout clothes everyday because its what fits me best. Being able to wear jeans again is one of my biggest motivators.

I love working out!! lifting weights and climbing stairs are my favorite things, its the food department that is the most challenging for me. Portion sizes are typically out of control and I eat a lot of processed foods and things like cheese and tortillas. I know by now what I should and shouldn't be eating, but I still struggle in this area.

I have never been a part of the MFP community when I joined the other times, so I am looking for some awesome people who can motivate me, as I will motivate them as well!

Looking forward to losing weight the right way, learning how to be a healthy woman, becoming toned and fit, and wearing jeans :)



  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    You can do it! The first thing I learned is to not give up what you like. I had a hard time with portions in the beginning I don't even think I knew what a portion was. I thought it was the whole bag of chips or a whole small container of ice cream. I was shocked. So what helped me was making portions out of them as soon as I bought them. Nice little bags that you can just grab and eat the whole thing.

    Also, depending on how many calories you restrict you'll find that eating healthier will provide you with more food to eat. I found that low calorie spaghetti squash bulks up my meal better than more beef or more noodles. So I drifted towards healthier because it gave me more. And, after a while my taste began to change and my body got used to being satisfied with a portion. You can do it but it's going to take some willpower and knowing that you don't have to give up what you like you just have to learn how to incorporate it into a healthier intake.