TDEE vs Up24

Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
edited March 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Here are my stats:
35 yo female
Height: 5'2
Frame: Med

I started the year at 122lbs which for a medium frame/height is fine according to charts. Most say 118-132. Last year at 128, I had my body fat tested with clippers and it was 18.4%. I haven't had a retest but plan on it soon.

My goal is to have muscle definition and tone. I started weight training this year.
I currently lift 6 days a week. I do upper body 3 days and legs 3 days. It's about 30-35 min of lifting each time. On upper body days, I run 4 miles, but doing intervals. On leg days, I run 2. I have seen a change, but not drastic. I need to work on abs, that's the one thing I'm not consistent on.

My concern is calorie intake. I have an Up24 band, and according to the app, my daily burn with activity is bn 1700-1800's.

TDEE puts me at 1945 calories.

Which is more accurate?

I know I can't gain muscle on a deficit, but I also want to lose fat. My calorie intake right now is about 1350. I eat a zone based diet. 3 meals, 2 snacks. Despite the deficit, I'm not losing any more weight. And the five pounds lost since January has been a very slow process. Possibly bc my intake is low?
Should I be eating more like 1450-1500 calories if my total burn is in the 1700-1800 range according to the UP band.


  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    What do you mean by TDEE? What TDEE calculator are you using? Whichever it is, it's going to be an estimate.

    The Up24 really only tracks motion such as steps and uses that as an estimate.

    So, either way, you're trying to figure out which best guess to use. My guess is, based on the activity level you've described, that the higher number is more accurate.
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    edited March 2015
    Total daily energy calculator on-line.
    I used Harris Benedict one.
    With the Up band, I log in weight lifting for the 30-35 min. It gives me a burn estimate of about 194 calories when I chose intensity of "in the zone". That is incorporated in my total daily burn in UP. Without the exercise, my BMR is 1295 according to UP.
    If I choose sedentary in the calculator setting for Harris Benedict, I get the same number as the Up calculation for BMR. So right under 1300 without any activity.