Start of My Real Journey

Would have liked to have posted this as a blog post, but seems we are having technical difficulties there.

Been a fitness pal member for a bit but I haven't really been very motivated at least until now. Long story short my husband and I have been separated for 2 months. I've just come to the realization that he may never be coming back.
The better part of the last two months is the re-self discovery of me. I spent two years in pain caused by the Essure option for permanent birth control and endometriosis. I had surgery last summer and I can not begin to tell you how great it is not to be in pain anymore. Unfortunately for me, during this time of agony, I stopped doing a lot of physical activity. It hurt to breath, walk, sit, stand, lay, and let's face it running was just not an option either.
I used to run half marathons, 10K's and 5K's...
In December, I started making changes in the diet but it wasn't enough. There was too much temptation around so I did something drastic. I cleaned out all the junk food, processed foods, pasta, rice, pre-prepared foods and such from my cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer. This of course did not make hubby very happy. He's seen me try one thing after another with absolutely no results. The difference this time though is I was starting with the 80% part of the equation. See losing weight is 80% what you eat and how much and 20% exercise. I kept trying to just do the exercise and really wasn't paying attention to what I ate.
So, I started with diet and now that I have that under control and we are eating healthier, I was ready for exercise. My problem was that with the separation, I really didn't have time in the am to work out (lack of sleep and stress requires a few extra Z's in order to function) and I had to change my schedule at work so I didn't have the time to go to the gym onsite at my place of business, and let's just say hitting the door in the afternoons there is absolutely NO downtime. So, I needed a plan for exercise that would allow me to fit in the most calorie burn for the least amount of time. I think I have found that by climbing the 6 flight of stairs in our office building. I read that 30 minutes of climbing stairs burns as many calories as walking for 2.5 hours. Well, I certainly don't have 2.5 hours but I could do 30 minutes if I break it up into 3 - 10 minute sessions.
Now, stair climbing is absolutely difficult! After two days of trying to do 3 - 10 minute stair sessions my legs were hurting so bad that they physically shook from exertion on day three just walking anywhere. So, I knew that I had pushed myself too much so I cut down to just 1 - 10 minute session and climbed those stairs that day very slowly and very carefully on my jello legs. The remainder of that week was 1 - 10 minute session and then the next Monday, I tried 2 -10 minute sessions. I just finished up the second week and I am happy to report that my legs and butt are sore but not to the point that I think that my legs are going to give out. And I was getting about 3 set up and down of 6 flights and today I was able to do 4 sets up and down twice.
I think I will stick to the 2 - 10 minute sessions next week with the goal to maintain the 4 sets and maybe even add a 5th set in on Friday. I think at 5 sets though I may be pushing the limit of my 10 minutes so I may have to kick it up to 3 - 10 minute session at 3-4 sets of 6 flights on that week, I'm just playing it by ear and listening to my body.
I was not doing well on a 1200 calorie diet even before the exercising so I have been aiming for about 1500. But I am burning so many calories that my net calories a day are around 700-800 calories. Plus I'm cheating a bit. I had cake today and Edy's rocky road ice cream a few nights ago (although that night I also burned an additional 500 calories push mowing the yard for an hour, believe me when I say, I earned that damn ice cream). 1500 calories is working out well for me right now and my weight loss check-ins will hopefully show progress.
I splurged today and bought a bowflex max M5. I am super excited about this because I have been looking at them for months now. I finally just bit the bullet. They had 200$ off and free shipping, plus I qualified for no interest for 18 months. My total for the M5 and a mat for underneath it was just under $1800. $100/month for 18 months is so very doable for me and hopefully this thing is well worth it. Most of the reviews I read that were negative were bad because they thought this machine was too hard for beginners. The downside is that darn thing is on back order. I may not get it until the end of MAY!!! I'm praying that is not the case. I REALLY, REALLY want this like yesterday. But I have been drooling over one for so long that I am willing to keep doing what I am doing now in anticipation of its arrival.
I also have already decided what I hope is my exercise plan for when it arrives. I plan on doing the 14 minute max interval in the am, plus hopefully by then I will be up to at least 3 - 10 minute stair climbs during the work day, and then polish off the evening with another 14 minute max interval at night before a shower and bed.
I have also decided that the hardest part of being a parent is taking time to exercise because it means sacrificing time with the kids. I have an open concept home with no wall between the living room and dining room. So, I'm pushing the table against the wall and my new M5 will be the center piece of the dining room. I can see the TV, breath the same air space as my kids, and maybe even have input into conversation (that all depends on how hard this equipment really is). Plus with less than 15 minutes, I can dang sure do it in the am before the kids get up and the house starts getting too busy and at night before bed. 10 minutes during the day is easy because it doesn't feel like too much at once but I know I am working hard because I can feel my pulse racing and I'm breathing really hard and struggling to reach the top (just two more flights, just two more flights, one more minute, just one more minute... You get the point).
Anyway, I am feeling pretty good. I'm down 16 pounds and if I can keep this up, I will drop the weight I want in almost no time.
So, I'm not really ready to post pictures but I think I am going to do it anyway as a motivation. I currently wear a size 18 and those are a bit snug. I bought a dress today in a size 12 (ebay and only 14$) that I want to fit into. That dress is my goal. I currently weight 230 pounds and my BMI is 37.1! I'll be checking in weekly from here on out. Daily food/exercise journaling and then a weekly weight and measurements check in.
I'm looking for fitness pal friends and quite possibly an accountability buddy. So, send me a friend request if you would like!