Low carb, low calorie breakfasts



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    You can still be low calorie while eating LCHF. I keep track of my calories too, but see way better weight loss results when eating low carb and high fat. Conventional wisdom has brainwashed society into thinking that eating high carb and low fat is healthier for us, but it really is not the case, as more health experts are starting to reveal. It is hard for us low carb people to convince the majority here, but rest assured that this way of life works for us and has the result of not only weight loss, but also much improved markers of health during our visits to Dr's. It is also proven to be great for brain health and can make you mentally much sharper.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    One more thing, Alice, low carb is great for weight loss, but be careful that you do not eat more protein than your body needs, because excess will be stored as fat. Whereas eating more fat will result in your body burning fat as fuel and hopefully in my situation, will allow me to burn my own body fat as fuel. But I do not try to eat more protein because I don't want to take the chance of storing any more as fat.
  • monicamminson
    monicamminson Posts: 3 Member
    jennylm87 wrote: »
    Banana "Pancakes" - 1 banana mashed, 2 eggs and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix mashed banana with eggs and cinnamon and fry 1/4 cup at a time. Makes about 3 medium "pancakes" for about 270 calories :)
    Tried your pancakes and they taste good but the consistency is more like fried eggs. Did I do something wrong? Or is their something else I can add?
  • awesomewastaken
    awesomewastaken Posts: 92 Member
    edited March 2015
    I usually just eat cottage cheese with tuna and some veggies. Quick, simple and filling.
  • alicer461
    alicer461 Posts: 46 Member
    That's true I think I've found through not eating bread that I have an allergy or resistance of some sort as it was making me very unwell without me realising ! The low carb is working well for me and I'm sticking to lean proteins such as chicken breast and ham but I do think I may up my fat intake and see it it helps :) how many grams of fat is the correct amount on lchf?
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Many people do find out that they may have gluten sensitivities without being celiac. I know we feel better in my family by giving up grains completely, not just wheat....and feel better by going lower carb.

    The grams of fat per person would be different for everybody. Better to shoot for percentages of caloric intake. You could do some research online and compare the various ratios suggested. For me, I find that 5% carbs, 75% fat and 20% protein works best, but I'm aiming for a keto diet. It's really hard some days for me to eat more than about 25% protein. But fats I don't worry about as much. As long as I am under 5% carbs for the day and have had some protein, I want all the remaining calories I eat to be made up of fat. It's not as weird as that might seem, to be able to incorporate that fat into your day.

    I have no idea what you usually eat, but for me, I used to use half and half cream in my coffee, but now I use heavy whipping cream instead to bump up the fat. Don't be afraid to put lots of butter on your veggies. Put some cheese on your burger. Make a cream or cheese sauce to go on anything. Try plugging it into MFP and see what you get and take note of how you feel. Eat some macadamia nuts. Make some Bulletproof coffee.

    I find that I only feel like eating twice per day usually. I think the extra fat and adequate protein keeps me satisfied all day. I usually eat breakfast before work, then about 12 hours later eat supper. My breakfast is usually eggs in butter, maybe bacon or cheese in there too. No starchy side dish, just protein and fat, maybe a few low glycemic index veggies. Supper is meat with veggies. Coffee with HWC at work and drink water all day. 2 meals per day with maybe a snack is quite doable on 1200 calories. Soemtimes I just have BP coffee and don't eat until supper.

    Take a look at the low carb daily forum on MFP. It has lots of info and the keto group is good too....see you there, and good luck.
  • jangus9416
    jangus9416 Posts: 69 Member
    jennylm87 wrote: »
    Banana "Pancakes" - 1 banana mashed, 2 eggs and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix mashed banana with eggs and cinnamon and fry 1/4 cup at a time. Makes about 3 medium "pancakes" for about 270 calories :)
    Tried your pancakes and they taste good but the consistency is more like fried eggs. Did I do something wrong? Or is their something else I can add?

    I've tried this before and had the same problem. I like making pancakes with 1 banana, 1 egg, and 1/4 cup of rolled oats. It's the most filling breakfast I eat. You can leave the oats as is or blend everything together for a smooth batter
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here's a low carb pancake recipe:
    • 1 scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
    • 1 tbsp of almond or hazelnut meal
    • 30ml water
    • 1 egg.

    Combine ingredients in a bow.
    Cook on mod. heat for approx 2 - 3 minutes on each side.

    Serve buttered with a handful of mixed berries or stewed apple and cinnamon

    210 cal.

    I have this when the rest of the family are having pancakes so I don't feel left out.

    ref: Shake It Recipe Book
  • Marianne802
    Marianne802 Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here's a good link to some low carb recipes.


    You can use any brand of protein powder for those recipes that call for it.
  • kawaiixxluv
    kawaiixxluv Posts: 1 Member
    I've been having a boiled egg, about 30g low fat cottage cheese and 3 walnuts. It's around 200cal and if I'm eating for a big day I'll just add more cottage cheese. Super cheap and easy if you can find cheap walnuts
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member

    I make oopsie bread and add cinnamon. I make enough for a couple days. The first day tastes a little eggy but after that you don't taste the egg anymore. I dip it in some Walden Farm maple syrup flavoring and it tastes just like french toast
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member