havent worked out in years

any suggestion on getting started back up
also I am looking in to workout dvd, but would like something with little to no equipment required, don't want to have to spend too much money, atleast not right away


  • littlebrownbat3
    littlebrownbat3 Posts: 54 Member
    I think it depends on what you like to do, now is the time to find something you enjoy so you'll keep going back to it, not just suffer through it.

    If you like to run (I personally don't) all you need are sneakers. Yoga is another "cheap" option, you need a DVD, and good mats can be found at discount stores for $10. Personally, when I don't feel like working out, I do yoga, and I always see an improvement in tone in a couple of days. Plus, you'll get the rush from accomplishing something every day. A few years ago, I had gained a lot of weight, and that helped me get the motivation started.

    I was lucky enough to inherit a fantastic weight set, but those can get pricy.

    When looking for workout DVDs, don't forget about Salvation Army, or Goodwill, or any second hand store. Often, people buy them and then give up when they don't see fast progress, so you can get one for 50 cents to $1 rather than $14-20.

    Also, depending on where you are, gym memberships aren't that bad. Some places can be quite cheap if you look for discounts when signing up.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    30 Day Shred

    I hadn't worked out ever before I got the dvd for cheap, or you can get the levels free on youtube, the first two at least.

    I had no weights so I used plastic bottles filled with rice, then got a resistance band and it worked well.