Feeling down..

I feel so defeated... For the whole month of March, I did not lose any weight, and in fact, gained some. I was 144 at the beginning, and now I am 146... These days make me feel like a failure... I was supposed to be down to 140 by now.. Instead went up two pounds... I'm trying so hard to eat healthy, to always get in ample amount of cardio for the five to six out of seven days a week. I drink plenty of water, and have lessened snacking considerably (still in the process of eliminating it all), and I'm still in this worn out shape...
I do Blogilates, and even if I feel great, my weight is not going any lower. I joined myfitnesspal to see if I can figure out the flaws of my self-program... But just looking at how low my food intake is, and in trying to get it up to a 1000 to 1400 if need be, and all the cardio and workout I've been doing, and the fact that I've hit such a bad average weight.
It makes me feel like I'm doing everything wrong and that I'll never get to the weight that I want, to the weight that I would feel my absolute best in.
I just feel so depressed about it... And when I'm depressed, note even exercise endorphins can pull me out of it...


  • kayl82
    kayl82 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm exactly the same as u!! I've decided to stop all toning exercise and just stick with cardio!
    Have u measured yourself? As for now you may be loosing inches and the weight will come off soon xx
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    How tall are you?
  • KimiLosingWeight
    KimiLosingWeight Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    kayl82 wrote: »
    I'm exactly the same as u!! I've decided to stop all toning exercise and just stick with cardio!
    Have u measured yourself? As for now you may be loosing inches and the weight will come off soon xx
    That might be a good idea for me. I feel more of a burn with cardio anyway, and now that I think of it, I started doing more toning/blogilates exercise at the end of February.
    And I have measured myself, so far everything has stayed constant, except for my thighs which are considerably thinner. Everywhere else is practically the same.

    Edit: I measured myself, and yeah, on the thighs have thinned, everywhere else the same, except the tummy area that has grown half an inch since my last measurement last month. (Though I attribute this to doing a lot less ab exercise)
    dakotababy wrote: »
    How tall are you?
    I'm 5'2", need to loose 10 more pounds to even be in the average numbers of a proper BMI of someone my height.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    I didnt know what Blogilates was and am open to diets, as lng as they stick to fundamentals.

    The latest article they have is
    Fat Flushing Detox Water + more yummy detox recipes

    That just leads me to think its a load of rubbish.

    OP you dont have much to lose, so its harder the closer you get to target.
    Check you are logging and weighing all your food and that its set at an appropriate level. The normal mistake is that people who stop losing are normally eating more than they think, burning less or being impatient.
    Above all dont let yourself feel like a failure, its up to you how you respond. You just have to track down why you are not making progress. being in a good frame of mind is very important.

    As you have just joined MFP then id check to see the differences of approach with your existing regime and MFP. Its likely you are not at the calorie level you think you are.


    You can get friends here who are of a similar height and buil but who have lost the remaining weight. Imo you will need to consider whether blogilates is ant good for you or you wnat to use MFP and he methods people use here. You might also want to consier doing some resistance work instead of all that cardio.

  • 999tigger wrote: »
    I didnt know what Blogilates was and am open to diets, as lng as they stick to fundamentals.

    The latest article they have is
    Fat Flushing Detox Water + more yummy detox recipes

    That just leads me to think its a load of rubbish.

    OP you dont have much to lose, so its harder the closer you get to target.
    Check you are logging and weighing all your food and that its set at an appropriate level. The normal mistake is that people who stop losing are normally eating more than they think, burning less or being impatient.

    Yeah, blogilates recipes and food plan is definitely not for me, but her workout gives me a good pull, especially after a cardio session.
    It might be the food. Lately I've been snacking a bit too much, and although I try to limit it or make it so that I still burn enough is, simply, still not enough.
    And I did sign up in mfp for that specific purpose.

  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for being honest in your post. Of course its somewhat different for an older man, but I can definitely relate to the frustration you are feeling. I also have been working out hard and not getting the results I would like. My advice to myself, and to you, is the six meal a day plan. Six small healthy meals of a protein and a carb. My problem is having time to prepare my food ahead of time, unfortunately that is not always possible. Its all about getting motivated to do it. I have seen this plan work but I still cant seem to get on track. I do believe that a alternating schedule of weights and cardio is the healthiest way to go, but getting the food right is the hardest part!
  • LittleJem01
    LittleJem01 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't lose heart, OP. I'm only 5'3" myself and, like you, I don't have a huge amount left to lose, so I know how frustrating it can feel when the scales stop budging. Weight fluctuates naturally - I gained 5lb from nowhere a couple weeks ago because of TOM; it may just be that your weight was higher due to water retention or something on the day you got your 146 measurement. CICO is the key - make sure you're weighing your food accurately and sticking to your net calorie goals and it WILL start coming off.

    Like someone else said, you may want to consider introducing resistance training, too. For me, even when the scales themselves aren't moving I'm seeing changes in my body shape since I've been lifting weights that I just wasn't getting with cardio alone, and that makes it easier to stay motivated as I try to shift the last 10lb. It may work that way for you, too.

    Stick with it - you'll get there :)
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    Change takes time. If you stick with the plan, address the behavioural barriers, and adjust the plan as needed, you will get there. Having said that, it IS really frustrating not to succeed as you wish, but if it leads you to depression, that is a separate issue that you might need some help with.