I can't seem to break my food addiction



  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    Gia07 I see that you don't see where I'm coming from and maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough for you. And that's fine. Please feel free to stop posting. Don't contribute to the 6 or 10 pages if you have such a problem with it.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    mitzi2013 wrote: »
    Gia07 I see that you don't see where I'm coming from and maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough for you. And that's fine. Please feel free to stop posting. Don't contribute to the 6 or 10 pages if you have such a problem with it.

    No problems here... this part you have wrong.

    But I will say this and I am not trying to be rude or anything but this type of thread is so very common and for us that have been here for a while know what is true and tried in your case and how your posting to this thread.

    You are not explaining yourself well enough for anyone to understand your thinking. You expressed you needed your thinking changed and for anyone that knows you to please don't tell anyone because this is a personal issue.

    I see these things as problems in it self not just the eating issues. Best to you and please get some help... Good luck...
  • misstweedy
    misstweedy Posts: 45 Member
    mitzi2013 wrote: »
    I take a lot of classes. I enjoy spin, zumba, body pump, and body combat the most. I don't exercise to make up for the eating or anything. I genuinely enjoy it once I get started. When I keep up with my food log I generally eat between 1200 and 1400 calories.

    That's not enough. No wonder you're ravenous.

  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    mitzi2013 wrote: »
    I wake up every morning at 4am and exercise. As a matter of fact, I exercise 3-4 hours a day total. I enjoy it and it helps me so much. I just can't stop thinking about food... ALL DAY!!!! I don't overdue it very often but I take bites here and there of sweets or mashed potatoes if my kids are having them. Every once in a while I totally gorge. Sometimes I feel so full and guilty it literally makes me sick. If I'm alone I think about what I can eat before someone gets home and sees me. My trainer says I just need to eat clean and it'll become a habit. It's just not that easy for me. I don't know how to change my thinking patterns. Any advice is very welcome. If you've been here and beat this please let me know how you did it. (and if you know me in real life please do not tell anyone about this. It's a personal issue)

    Therapy, therapy and more therapy. Food addiction comes from something deeper than just food. Food addiction is just like any addiction, drugs, alcohol, gambling, it is to feel a void and emptiness or something else we do not want to feel, like PTSD or grief. I know, I have a food addiction, I have had one my whole life. I have also been in therapy my whole life. The only way to fight is to fight what ever is else you are struggling with in your life that isn't food related with a therapist and a pysch.

    Right now the only way I am not thinking about food is because I am on psych med given to me by my pysch for my mental disorder. It has some pretty scary side effects so I would never recommend taking it just so you can forget about food.

    I wish ya luck. ((hugs))

  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Commit to short periods of time. Be strict on your self for 2 weeks. Absolutely no cheating. You can get through anything for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks, it should become a habit. Also, always have good choices for snacking food on hand. Things that are ready to grab and eat and don't have to be cooked is best. Things you really like, so when you want something you have a healthy option and won't take bites of the sweets. Pickles, help get rid of sweet cravings.

    This doesn't help with true food addictions, actually can make them worse. Getting to source of why someone is addicted to anything in the first place is what will help.

  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    mitzi2013 wrote: »
    I'm 36. 5'5 and I started at 251 pounds. I'm currently at 214. It has taken a couple years to lose this much. A lot of ups and downs. My ultimate goal is to be healthy. The number isn't particularly important but somewhere between 130 and 145 sounds good to me. The reason my diet is private is because I don't keep up with it like I should. The days I eat well I log everything but then when I break down I stop logging.

    Along with figuring out what is going on inside your head, ya need to allow yourself forgiveness and allow failures. We are all humans and make mistakes. We will all fall down. As long as we get back up and keep moving is what makes the difference.

  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    I think have the same problem as you. Food is constantly on my mind. I have a preoccupation with it. What has helped me is making sure I log every calorie I eat and if I have an urge to eat something, I incorporate it into my day. If I can't get fried chicken off of my mind, I make sure I won't go over my calories for the day and I eat it. If it is going to put me over on calories I wait until the next day and have it then. This lessons the intense craving because I know I will be getting it tomorrow. And I won't have to feel guilty because I won't be going over on my calories. Sometimes tomorrow comes and I decide I don't want whatever it was I was waiting for!
    While it is not normal to eat until you are sick, I have done it many times. I think that it is because I have gone so long without eating what I want that when I finally hit my breaking point I go nuts and eat everything I can get my hands on. That is another reason that it is good to eat foods you like as long as you can fit them into your daily calorie goal. This should not be a diet, this should be a way of living that you can maintain for the rest of your life. I don't know about you, but I am not going to go the rest of my life without fried foods, sweets and carbs. In fact, today I am having cake and icecream at my nieces birthday party! And, I won't be going over on calories!
    You can do it mitzi!! I think it was not only brave, but smart of you to reach out for advice. One of the reasons mfp works so well is that we are not alone and we have a plethora of knowledge and experience to tap into. You have to filter out what applies to you and let the rest go by the wayside. Don't be deterred! Judging from your pictures you have been very successful and I hope to read your success story on here one day, and read the advice you will have for the next person who traveling this path. Hugs....
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I am addicted to food as well. For me, it took being morbidly obese & getting weight loss surgery to actually lose the weight, but I still have that disordered eating mindset. The surgery does allow me to feel full on the small amount of calories I get each day which is one of the big reasons why I got it.

    You should go see a therapist. When I feel out of control, I just have to stop bringing it in the house so that there is no choice but to not snack. I find myself going through the cabinets in case there's something there. I will buy sweets & hide them from my family. I have to plan out my eating a day ahead of time & stick to it. It is really, really hard. I have 4 kids & they want snacks. When I am in control, I can buy them & not eat them. When I am stressed & know I won't resist I don't buy them. Each meal is a new choice for me & I have to make the right ones. That's all it boils down to.

    I usually don't log when I am in control. I basically eat the same things all the time. It's when I'm out of control that I force myself to log. You don't have to open your diary to everyone. You only owe yourself. Don't lie to yourself. By not logging, you are not facing up to your own reality & seeing the damage you are doing to yourself. Work out how much you should be eating. There are lots of tools here for that. If you are working out for 3-4 hours (which seems to be an excessive amount of exercise) a day & not losing weight, you are eating more than just a bite here & there. I don't "eat clean". I know I would not stick to my eating plan if I didn't get to eat anything good, ever. The typical "clean" diet is not one that I want to live on. I work out the day before what snacks & meals will satisfy my need for food & then I stick to it. I am fully in favor of using any tool that will help. Maybe talk to your doctor about an approved weight loss drug to break the cycle while you work with a therapist.
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    Have you considered eating low carb? I am a carb/sugar addict. I eliminated carbs to under 20g a day and after 2 weeks of withdrawal don't have any cravings anymore. I was just like you 8 months ago. Now I'm 103 pounds lighter and have no more issues
  • sunshinemcf
    Keep an honest track if your food fir a week. See your doctor to get help with addiction part. Use non food items as rewards...list five lbs go fir manicure or list 10 lbs buy a new gym out fit. Eat what you want but portion control and plan your meals for the week. Eat salads as part of your meals and like everyone will say...drink water. Lots of water. Even start of with two weeks where your only change is drinking water before each meal. And I think 1 and a half hour work our should be enough. Don't over do it.