Almost fifty, almost fit - need fitness buddies

This winter has been tough on me, I gained 15lbs even though I continued to workout religiously. Went off the wagon with the eating and drinking starting with the holidays and have not gotten back on track until now. Looking for a buddy for encouragement and accountability. I am an almost fit type of person who struggles to keep the lbs. off. I am nearing 50 and don't care that much about the whole body perfection thing, I just want to be fit and healthy. My main problem is I love food and wine too much and love to cook and eat. Looking for a buddy with similar goals and challenges for encouragement and accountability.


  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    Understand where you are coming from, also love my food and nice wine.
    Also in my 50's , don't you find it gets harder to lose weight as you get older.
    Still motivated to carry on and do the best I can!