treat night??



  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    Friday night it's Swiss Chalet for their veggie burger. I have it programmed in under my meals. I only eat half the fries and half the bun but I come away feeling very full.
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    yep im a daily "treater" as well as long as i saved calories which I try to do. sometimes i go for an extra walk or run to help. had a bowlful of frozen yogurt with toppings last night.

    This is hilarious to me, because as you state that, your profile picture is one of you stuffing your face with what looks like a cupcake. Hahaha I love it. You have the right idea, sir. :)
    it was a delicious cupcake too.

    Haha. Oh, I bet it was. This past Sunday I ate 1 1/2 glazed donuts. Totally worth it. ;)
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    i try to treat myself when i feel like it. sometimes i'll make it fit into my macros/calories... sometimes i'll go all out. last night i went all out and i've been paying for it since.. ate lots of pizza and have had a belly ache from being sooo full. i clearly dont moderate my treats very well lol
  • emily_ebooks
    emily_ebooks Posts: 55 Member
    My "treat nights" are when I go on dates. Oops.
  • n02403411
    n02403411 Posts: 1 Member
    i've only been on this site for a week so far, but because i am already slim and trying to lose those last (verrrry stubborn i might add) few pounds, i try really hard to not eat junk food, even if it is within my calorie allowance. i also find it harder to resist junk food the next day if i have already given into it the night before.

    i want to lose the weight quickly, and i don't want to put it off by eating crappy you know? ....but once in a blue moon when i'm stoned i just can't help it..and get a pack of mcdonalds cookies :) hehe THEY ARE SO GOOD.
  • SimplySabR
    SimplySabR Posts: 48 Member
    Every Friday night, for a week of hard-earned goal meeting, my partner and I go out for Sushi. Always within our allowances, but something that we don't get without meeting out weekly goals :)
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    You're supposed to have a treat every now and then. Often refered to as "cheat day" or "cheat meal", the point is to eat a little more calories than usual to help kick your metabolism back up. The theory is that after a week of being in a calorie deficit, your metabolism slowly winds down to be on par with the current caloric intake thus slowing down weight loss. The cheat day bumps up your calorie intake and makes your body start burning calories at a higher level. Think of it like a furnace; you have to add fuel for it to burn hotter. Just don't go overboard and re-consume all the calories you swore off throughout the week. It will also require a lot of adjusting here or there to figure out how much you can cheat and minimize any negitive affects from it. That being said, if you have a cheat day, don't bother weighing yourself the day of or the day after. If you consume a lot of carbs, it will throw your weight out of wack but it's likely water retention and excess glycogen in your muscles. Hell my cheat days make me gain over 5 lbs in carbs alone. They're gone after no more than two days of dieting.