10 weeks into my cut for bikini competition/1 year since I started!

A year ago today I started my journey to the bikini stage. I think it's really scary as a woman to "bulk up" and embrace the change. The truth of the matter is is if you want to gain muscle you have to eat in a calorie surplus. That involves gaining weight some of which unfortunately are fat pounds. I must say I went a little over board at the holidays this year knowing my competition prep was on the other side of them.. but I am proud of myself for letting go and trusting my trainer. As you can see from the pictures I was super bloated 10 weeks ago after a week or so of holiday eating. I went super hard in the gym during my bulk (about 5 months) and it's really fun to see the muscles underneath! If you want to transform the shape and curves of your body you have to change the muscles. It's a long process but it's worth it!ofpel9ayfnus.jpg


  • jessjess210
    jessjess210 Posts: 91 Member
    Wow! You look amazing! When do you recommend going into a bulk? I have a lot of fat to loose. I'm at about 35% right now. Is it better to wait til I've gotten to a lower number? I'm 5'3" and weigh 141 right now. Have been doing stronglifts for 8 weeks. Lost 2 lbs but plenty of inches.

    Also, is the bulk phase usually longer than the cut? How many calories were you eating? Maintenance? Above Maintenance?

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    This is awesome! I was just thinking about making it a goal to participate in a bikini competition one day....and not get last place.

    :D Great job!
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Well done :-)
  • meganmickmeow
    meganmickmeow Posts: 29 Member
    You look so good, awesome really!!
  • Thanks all! Jess for your question about the bulk and cut I'm not sure when or how long.... it's different for everyone. My trainer told me when to do what. In terms of calories during my bulk I basically ate for one month at my TDEE around 2200, and a few months at maintenance around 1750... During that time my trainer played around a lot with the macros etc to see how my body responded.

    Now in my cut I'm eating very very little but it's only for a short time and I wouldn't recommend it.... around 1100 cal and zero to 20 carbs.... then a carb load at the weekend. Check out my dairy if you'd like. Good luck!
  • erojoy
    erojoy Posts: 554 Member
    Those shoulders, those abs! Jealous is brewing. haha ;)
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    that's is some great progress. Hard work pays off doesn't it?
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You look awesome!! Your legs are especially fantastic!
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