question on my calories

paulbearss Posts: 26 Member
I am still new here so please bare with me. when I started out on mfp I inputted sedentary and it came up with the following I burn 2770 calories a day from normal activity and my daily goal should be 1800 and my calorie deficit will be 970. This is hard for me to admit or talk about but I am very sedentary due to some chronic issues I have but still need and want to loose weight and be healthier. I guess what my question is, the number of 2770 true as in even for a person like me that doesn't get around much at all and doesn't work either. (extremely sedentary) Or should I lower my calories further because of my situation. I hope I said this right and didn't confuse everyone or make people think im a bad lazy bum of a man. I really want to try to do this right and hopefully it will help me to get around a little more.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Trust it for a few weeks. You might be pleasantly surprised. The thing is, without actually getting a test done, it's really all guess work. Generally the easiest way to start is use a calculator (like MFP's) to get a goal, try it for a few weeks (4-6 weeks is usually a good sample size) and adjust up or down as needed based on your actual loss.

    I don't know your stats, so I can't make any guess on whether that number sounds reasonable.
  • jigglyjessica
    jigglyjessica Posts: 58 Member
    It should be ok because it's for someone who "works" at a desk sitting 8 hours and not doing much other activity. I'm not working right now and that's what I chose and my calories are about the same and after 3 days I can tell it's working. Try it for 2 weeks and if you don't have any progress look into adjusting it. We burn a lot of calories just by living/being/existing! Especially if we are heavy
    STUPID_GOPHER Posts: 37 Member
    better off not logging exercise or sticking to your calorie goal b4 logging exercise.....or eat your bmr daily..........
  • jigglyjessica
    jigglyjessica Posts: 58 Member
    better off not logging exercise or sticking to your calorie goal b4 logging exercise.....or eat your bmr daily..........

    If you eat equal to your bmr you would maintain, eat the recommended calories with a deficit.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    better off not logging exercise or sticking to your calorie goal b4 logging exercise.....or eat your bmr daily..........

    If you eat equal to your bmr you would maintain, eat the recommended calories with a deficit.

    Nope. You are thinking of TDEE. BMR is the base amount of calories your body burns before activity to keep your organs functioning. For example:

    My BMR is approx 1440
    My TDEE is approx 2400-2500
    I lose weight eating an average of 2000 calories.
  • paulbearss
    paulbearss Posts: 26 Member
    thank you very much, so im going to try the calories it said on here with my stats for the next month or so and see how I do.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Try it and then see the results. Adjust as needed. Its not just your activity that matters, but its the fact you weigh more than normal means your body requires more calories to maintain hence you get the bonis of being able to eat more and be able to lose at a faster rate han someone with very little to lose.

    Getting the math right is importnat as well as weighing your food. Dont worry your explanation was perfectly clear. Good luck.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    better off not logging exercise or sticking to your calorie goal b4 logging exercise.....or eat your bmr daily..........

    If you eat equal to your bmr you would maintain, eat the recommended calories with a deficit.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    better off not logging exercise or sticking to your calorie goal b4 logging exercise.....or eat your bmr daily..........

    did you even read the initial post? OP says he is sedentary due to chronic issues. He will not be exercising at all. Everyone needs to eat at least their BMR daily, that's what is required for life. He needs to eat below his TDEE to lose weight. Anyone can lose weight while sedentary; exercise is not necessary for weight loss.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    If that's what MFP told you, based on your input, then yes, it's true. As you lose, your calories will reduce. Good luck!