I have to lose weight

I hate my body so much, I just want to lose weight, I want to be pretty for once in my life.


  • ldhudsonjr
    ldhudsonjr Posts: 31 Member
    First, take a breath. I'm not sure what you're particular situation is, but I know the feeling of hating the way you look. Truth is, just being upset won't solve anything. Second, start using this site, which is a fantastic resource, to get to your goal. You'll be amazed how good you'll feel in just a few days if you start paying attention to what you're eating and getting a bit of exercise. Try to eat as clean as possible, I've had pretty good luck using Bob Harper's Skinny Meals, but make whatever diet adjustments you feel will work for you, and that you think you can sustain. You'll be ok. Just get started now, you'll thank yourself later.
  • ldhudsonjr
    ldhudsonjr Posts: 31 Member
    your*, damnit. lol
  • kayy_08
    kayy_08 Posts: 12 Member
    Same! Let's do this!
  • krystadecay
    krystadecay Posts: 9 Member
    ive lost 53 lbs since january on omnitrition (: and no im not bsing you
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Krystadecay you appear to be advertising that you are a distributor of this product..I have seen your other threads. Advertising is against the community guidelines.
  • krystadecay
    krystadecay Posts: 9 Member
    actually im not advertising! ive been in the same boat as other women.. im probably heavier than other women, i want someone to have a success story just as i will (:
  • krystadecay
    krystadecay Posts: 9 Member
    plus if i were advertise id do it on facebook not a legit weightloss website
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    edited March 2015
    You are advertising on the other posts...you are telling people you have lost a lot of weight since January and are now a distributor of the product you mention in this post.

    Edited to add...and the facebook link is in your other two posts...
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    Emily, I am sorry this thread got hijacked, but if you are looking for a place to start, I recommend you read the announcement threads in the general weight loss section. These are written by people who were really succesful at this.
    The gist of it is: all weight loss comes from eating at a calorie deficit: less calories in than out will result in weight loss. It does not matter what diet you follow, if even any. Don't do the extreme dieting, it helped me to a terrific weight loss three years ago, but I also lost a lot of hair and ended up in hospital, with stroke-like symptoms.
    If weight is your only problem right now, and you do not need to change your diet for your health, just keep eating the same, but less. If you want more volume, then vegetables are your answer: lots of volume for low calories.
    Start tracking what you eat, just do not go over budget.
    And take it slow, be patient, you can aim for 100 pounds a year, but I've come to believe that 50 pounds is better. That will help your skin to shrink along, and will be more sustainable. The weight loss is a secret at first, don't get discouraged when people do not comment on your weightloss right away.
    Also be aware that the number of the scale will fluctuate, but if the graph shows an overall downward slope, you know you are doing well.
    Next to the number on the scale, which no one but you will see anyway, if you want to shape your body, working out is your answer. As I read from the threads, lifting weights helps you more than cardio, but I myself am not there yet.
    Do not follow my example: do not look for excuses to quit after a few weeks, stick with it! Read the sucess stories and imagine that is you in perhaps 1,5 years from now!