7 Steps To A New You - # 7

# 7 - Identify Your Triggers and Address Them

I have found over the years that certain events in my life "drive" me to eat. I like to think of them as "food triggers." If I get depressed, I eat. If I get mad, I eat. If I feel lonely, I eat. (At any rate, I think you get the picture by now.) The bottom line is that our emotional state-of-mind can have a huge impact on how we treat our bodies.

For me, much of the battle was actually one of control. In many areas of my life, I would feel that circumstances and situations were beyond my control. We all know that life can be hard. Disappointments happen. Not everything works out the way we hoped or planned. During those times I always turned to food because it was something I could control. If I wanted to eat the whole pizza, I ate the whole pizza. It gave me a sense of control and became a source of "comfort." As some of you can relate, the problem was that the thing I thought I could control, ended up controlling me. My appetite increased, my weight increased, and my self-esteem decreased :(

Over the past few months I have recognized that health and fitness is more than just "shaping your body." Honestly, this is a journey to "wholeness," one that encompasses body, mind, soul, and spirit. Before I could take control of my weight I had to recognize the triggers that sent me running to the fridge every time. Now, when I find myself struggling emotionally I have learned to find other outlets, ones that don't take a destructive toll of my body. Now, I read. Now, I take a walk and listen to music on the iPhone. I recently returned to college at the age of 47. I intentionally seek to encourage and support others. Positive outlets instead of using food as a source of comfort.

Yes, it has been a battle. Yes, it requires energy and effort. But the trade-offs have been priceless. By addressing my emotional needs I have begun to experience lasting success in my journey to health.