Would like to connect with more Lifters



  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    foursirius wrote: »
    Im running madcows 5x5 atm with some additional vanity work thrown in two other days a week. Ive done the program a couple of times and really enjoy it. I do track my lifts outside of mfp since their interface is just terrible for it.

    I use mfp to track my macros and it works well for that. Also, I am currently running the program in a deficit.

    Id be interested to hear how you fare in deficit, I'm just starting my second 12 week cycle of 531, made some decent breakthroughs. Now I'm in deficit, I'm not so sure the next 12 weeks will be easy

    Im in week 5 and this is the first time ive done this program In a deficit and it just now is starting to get legitimately difficult. I think I might be over training a bit so ill need to dial that back or shift cardio to the end instead of the beginning. For reference im 31/6'0/215 and my macros are:
    F: 65
    C: 125/175/225 (carb cycle every day and just reset)
    P: 225

    Let me know if you have any questions. I keep my log public or shoot me a friend request.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited March 2015
    I do 5/3/1 for a 4 day split.
  • damien_1971
    damien_1971 Posts: 15 Member
    Same 531 over 4 days but made into a upper lower split. On OHP day I also do some bench, 2xback exercises plus arms. Similar for Bench day. Deadlift I count as a lower day, I do my squat BBB 5x10 on this day also and vice versa on Squat day. In theory Im still training each bodypart once every 4-6 days.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Same 531 over 4 days but made into a upper lower split. On OHP day I also do some bench, 2xback exercises plus arms. Similar for Bench day. Deadlift I count as a lower day, I do my squat BBB 5x10 on this day also and vice versa on Squat day. In theory Im still training each bodypart once every 4-6 days.

    Interesting. I'm looking into cutting this down to three days because I don't follow 5/3/1 calculations for my OHP anyway. I do the body building routine he has posted on his website for assistance work.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Sup, guy. Cutting at the moment but working to keep my strength. Running the conjugate method at the moment/4 day split.
  • damien_1971
    damien_1971 Posts: 15 Member
    Sup, guy. Cutting at the moment but working to keep my strength. Running the conjugate method at the moment/4 day split.
    You sound like all of us, trying to balance losing BF but maintaining strength
  • Grinage1027
    Grinage1027 Posts: 31 Member
    Like the thread going to start lifting more! Add me as a friend if you would like!
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I am currently doing Stronglifts 5x5. I have done tried 5/3/1 and also some other programs over the last 2 years, but I needed something that had a great app I could use on my phone and the 5x5 program does. It even allows you to modify sets, time, and add accessory lifts if you want. I also really like it because it is a 3 day a week program.

    I do also try and do cardio at least two days a week. On lift days I may even throw in 10 minutes of HIIT. It depends on if I have time to get in my stretching and foam rolling in after lifting. That is more important to this older body than the HIIT.

    I am doing this at a deficit as well. Seeing some strength gains and seeing losses on the scale as well.
  • damien_1971
    damien_1971 Posts: 15 Member
    ksy1969 wrote: »
    I am currently doing Stronglifts 5x5. I have done tried 5/3/1 and also some other programs over the last 2 years, but I needed something that had a great app I could use on my phone and the 5x5 program does. It even allows you to modify sets, time, and add accessory lifts if you want. I also really like it because it is a 3 day a week program.

    I do also try and do cardio at least two days a week. On lift days I may even throw in 10 minutes of HIIT. It depends on if I have time to get in my stretching and foam rolling in after lifting. That is more important to this older body than the HIIT.

    I am doing this at a deficit as well. Seeing some strength gains and seeing losses on the scale as well.

    Sounds like you've got the balance right
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Any lifters (which everyone should incorporate somehow) feel free to add me. My goal is strength and endurance and looking to get back into endurance racing. I started a 5x5 program, but focusing on swim/bike/run.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    I lift using the 5x5 program 4x per week and then try to mix in 1-2 days of crossfit style workouts as well.