Feeling completley alone, starting again...


well here I am, starting again for the 100th time and I know I need to do something about my weight, but am really struggling to find the motivation. I have half my body weight to lose and the thought of it scares me!

I look at myself in the mirror and I still see myself as I was years ago, thin, but then I get a shock and see myself how I truly am, and I get myself all down and depressed about it.

I have a binge eating disorder and am currently seeing a therapist with CBT to help this as well as my depression and anxiety. As I am writing thins I am wondering who will read and if I can actually find some support out there as I don't have any at home, my husband has stopped saying things in the case he upsets me or I fly off the handle, whereas my mother is constantly having a go.

So here I am, starting again, looking for friends, support and help along the way, so please feel free to add me as a friend (I have yet to learn how to do the same) and give me that kick up the *kitten* I need!!



  • bug1106
    bug1106 Posts: 31 Member

    well here I am, starting again for the 100th time and I know I need to do something about my weight, but am really struggling to find the motivation. I have half my body weight to lose and the thought of it scares me!

    I look at myself in the mirror and I still see myself as I was years ago, thin, but then I get a shock and see myself how I truly am, and I get myself all down and depressed about it.

    I have a binge eating disorder and am currently seeing a therapist with CBT to help this as well as my depression and anxiety. As I am writing thins I am wondering who will read and if I can actually find some support out there as I don't have any at home, my husband has stopped saying things in the case he upsets me or I fly off the handle, whereas my mother is constantly having a go.

    So here I am, starting again, looking for friends, support and help along the way, so please feel free to add me as a friend (I have yet to learn how to do the same) and give me that kick up the *kitten* I need!!


    I am with you! WE WILL DO THIS TOGETHER! I have a LOT to lose also, but its never to late until your in a coffin so keep moving!!!!!!
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there,

    Well you have support from me and I'm sure hundreds of others here so great place to start. Let's make this time the one where you succeed, yeah? How about you start by writing down your goal and posting it all over the place. That way you can't quit. I find that making it my screensaver on my phone, computer etc so I see it all the time helps a lot. Believe me, I have lost 100lbs in the past so I know all about meeting goals.

    Anything you need feel free to ask, pop me a message, post it on the boards, you will have lots of responses.

    You got this!

  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    I know how you feel. This is it for me, I was starting again...for the 100th time and I needed to lose at least 60lbs. I didn't think this time would be different, but I stuck to it. I kept going. And here I am 6 months later, down 42lbs and I went from an 18 to a 10.
    The thing is...you CAN do it...and for me it was realizing that it wasn't going to happen over night, that this was a life change and sometimes I was going to fall of the wagon..and that's ok because I get right back on. I still have about 25lbs i'd like to lose and it's definitely getting harder. Let's do this, I know you can!! Feel free to add me :)
  • staceysforster
    staceysforster Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you!

    Its all over the place Jo!! I even bought myself one of those money boxes that you can't open unless you open it with a tin opener, you know the ones I mean?

    I am hoping (depending on cash) to put in £1 whenever I lose 1lb, and maybe a little extra for reaching a half or full stone... the money to then be used for a shopping spree for my new wardrobe! That's my plan anyway!!
  • patc83
    patc83 Posts: 1 Member
    You have lots of company. Don't look at the whole journey, look at today and try to do the best you can. It'll come together for you!
  • cheriefes
    cheriefes Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Stacey, it is not an easy journey, but going on the journey, it gets easier! Fitness/weight loss is something that doesn't go away, we need tools to keep us on track to be our best. I would be happy to encourage you. I have not been very faithful to posting on here, but here we both are again. I tend to talk on fb more. Do you have a plan for eating and working out? Or do you need help with that too? You need to change those triggers that make you eat to doing something else. I know easier said then done. Where do you live?
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Stace,

    My name is Catherine. While I dont have an eating disorder I do know about depression and anxiety. And I need to loose a 120 pounds myself.

    It is overwhelming and it is hard, but you need to set your eye on the price and find small ways to get there. I started in November because of a doctors visit and by April I had lost 46 pounds. Then I had some major stress going on during the month of May and I kind of gave up. Thankfully I only gained back 3 pounds, because while I quit exercising I tried not to overeat to much on the calories.

    At the beginning of June I decided I can't let life rule me, I need to rule my life. So here I go again trying.

    You can do it!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I only get on a few times a day, but I will respond when I am on.
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    Hi and welcome, you're not alone here and maybe as you progress things will change a bit at home too. One thing I suggest, don't look at the entire picture yet......set goals for yourself, rather than think or say "I've got half my body weight to lose", choose a quarter of it. I think it would be less overwhelming. Each time you reach one of your goals, I really think you'll want to push it further, ending in the place you wanted to be when you began. If that makes sense to you.:flowerforyou:

    and friend request sent
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    Don't fret - you are not alone. You can friend me if you like - I am a big motivator and will check on you if you need a little extra.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you!

    Its all over the place Jo!! I even bought myself one of those money boxes that you can't open unless you open it with a tin opener, you know the ones I mean?

    I am hoping (depending on cash) to put in £1 whenever I lose 1lb, and maybe a little extra for reaching a half or full stone... the money to then be used for a shopping spree for my new wardrobe! That's my plan anyway!!

    GREAT! That is perfect. Goals like that are great. Keep that up. :)
  • staceysforster
    staceysforster Posts: 20 Member
    wow!! Everyone! Thank you so much!!! I am completely overwhelmed!!!

    I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

    I work in a sedentary job, and sit in a call centre all day, so the exercise for me is when I get home after the school/work run/doing tea/tidying up/washing/sorting stuff out for the next day etc.... so come evening I just want to put my feet up.

    I know that once I start exercising I will have more energy and that is something I am hoping to build into my routine.

    I need to get my eating under control and exercising.

    The eating I think is the first thing, that and ditching the energy drinks.... I have been exhausted and not sleeping well so sinking cans of energy drinks (and their calories) like there is no tomorrow.

    Going to reset my calorie tracker, downloaded the app on my phone to do when I am out of the house, and track absolutely everything!!

    Once I am in a routing with that, start my exercising again.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    you can add me if you like. i am a daily logger. And this is my 3rd attempt with MFP. 3rd start time was August last year. And I am determined that this is my LAST time!!
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    Hi and welcome! I, too, have been back and forth on trying to get into a routine to get healthier. It's not easy. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and on again/off again borderline personality disorder where I will just not be on the same planet as everyone else. It's makes it hard to get a clear perspective on my current health, and it's nearly impossible to create a routine, but at least we aren't alone!

    I used to try to get up early in the mornings to work out before going to work. It was nice to have that out of the way and not have to worry about it for the rest of the day, but after a three-day long mood crash it stopped, and I haven't been able to get up early since. =( Tired all day - I know all about it. Something I'm working with my doc to try to figure out and fix, but in the mean time, zero-calorie energy drinks get me through the day without eating up my set goal. I try to drink only water at night when I get home (with crystal light added) so I can sleep when it's time for bed. I have a long way to go until I reach my ideal weight, and right now I'm not even sure what that is. In the few weeks I've been here I've found that switching out one of my unhealthy go-tos a week makes the transition much easier, and I'm already starting to see results.

    You have to remember that this isn't going to just happen overnight, and the number on the scale isn't the most important end-goal. Most important is feeling good in the body you are in, whatever the size or shape, and wanting to keep getting stronger.

    Best of luck as you start (again) on your journey. Add me if you like.

    "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar
  • lilpocketrocket
    lilpocketrocket Posts: 26 Member
    Take it one day at a time...I get up at 4:45am mon-fri...and 7 on weekends...I don't believe in motivation....we are creatures of habit...so my suggestion is find what works for you and go for it!!! And if you slip up..forgive yourself and keep moving forward. :)
  • iclaudia_g
    iclaudia_g Posts: 148 Member
    :) I'll send a friend request :)
  • Well Done, it takes an enormous step to start and with all the support on here i'm sure you will hit your target, just take each day as it comes :smile:

    Add me if you want :smile:
  • absinthia70
    absinthia70 Posts: 56 Member
    wow!! Everyone! Thank you so much!!! I am completely overwhelmed!!!

    I live in Newcastle Upon Tyne.

    I work in a sedentary job, and sit in a call centre all day, so the exercise for me is when I get home after the school/work run/doing tea/tidying up/washing/sorting stuff out for the next day etc.... so come evening I just want to put my feet up.

    I know that once I start exercising I will have more energy and that is something I am hoping to build into my routine.

    I need to get my eating under control and exercising.

    The eating I think is the first thing, that and ditching the energy drinks.... I have been exhausted and not sleeping well so sinking cans of energy drinks (and their calories) like there is no tomorrow.

    Going to reset my calorie tracker, downloaded the app on my phone to do when I am out of the house, and track absolutely everything!!

    Once I am in a routing with that, start my exercising again.

    All great ideas! If you are looking for energy but don't want the calories, etc. of an energy drink, try the drops you put in regular water (like Mio) - they taste good too!

    Friend request sent :)
  • We are all in this together! I have tried many times to lose the weight myself but I always fall short of any of my goals. One piece of advice I can give u that was given to me is... Dont focus on how much u have to lose, but how u feel! Its all about baby steps. We didnt become overweight overnight, so it wont come off that easy :)
  • darlaasl
    darlaasl Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome Stacey,

    I am new too and trying to figure out how to get back my healthy eating habit. My body now craves all the crap that I have been giving it for the past few years :( That along with quitting smoking and menopause the weight came quick!

    So here's to turning it around one day at a time. We can definitely do this!
  • holliddd
    holliddd Posts: 28
    Hi! The important thing is you are trying! I know its hard. My husband and I have been trying to get healthier for our kids. We want them to grow up seeing a healthy example and being active so they maybe they won't have to struggle their whole lives. Feel free to friend me if you want:) The more friends the more motivation and support!! I love the money box idea. We are currently doing a friendly competetion where we all put in 5 dollars and the winner gets the money. We get points for every hour we exercise. Keeps us moving!!