Progress Photos- My Story on how I will ALWAYS Keep Going!

MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
edited March 2015 in Success Stories
My name is Chasidy and I am 29 years old. I have been heavy my entire long as I can remember. As a kid I don't remember being skinny, but there are pictures proving that I was not always over weight...when I turned 10 or 11, I blew up and was considered heavy or obese by the Doctor's and my schools. This was all I knew. I was called big boned as well as many other not so nice names. Throughout Middle School and High School I was bullied by people I thought were my friends and I was bullied by people I didn't even know. A few years after I graduated High School I had many attempts to lose weight. I would lose 30-40 lbs just to gain it back plus so much more!

I went from a person who didn't even think about working out, losing weight, or getting healthy, because I thought it was too hard and I didn't want to fail. I have been told as long as I can remember that I am big boned, but in reality, I WAS LAZY and ate things that I shouldn't eat. I didn't think I could do it because I've been heavy ALL MY LIFE. After watching Chris Powell's amazing work on Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition (Now known as EWL); my husband and I couldn't help but get motivated. My husband and I knew it was time to make a change for the rest of our lives. If "they" could do it, then there's no excuse for us. And that is our attitude.


I said it until I believed it. On EWL, Extreme Weight Loss we saw morbidly obese people take one year of their life and dedicate themselves to losing 200 pounds in the year. What's one year? When you gain back YEARS of life!! A year goes by so fast.

During 2011-2012 I lost 101 pounds (NATURALLY) and my Husband lost 75 pounds (NATURALLY). My husband and I found out in June 2013 that we were pregnant (expecting in February 2014). Due to complications during my pregnancy I was induced on January 23, 2014 and I gave birth to my amazing and wonderful son Jude Morrison. My journey has been amazing because it allowed me to have a son. My body has done amazing things and I am very proud that that. After having him I went through post pardon depression without realizing it. I was so sad and absolutely had NO clothes that fit me. I was miserable. I managed to gain 20 more pounds before I decided I would get back on track. I would say DAILY how my stomach hurt so bad. So I would eat healthy for a while and then binge or treat/cheat as some may call it. For me it was SELF SABOTAGE. But I am back on track and enjoying every minute of it. I am buckled down and I am serious about what I want! I want to be healthy! I want to be active! I have made the necessary sacrifices in my life for what I want, so that what I want won't be the sacrifice.

Since getting serious I have lost 38.2 pounds! I am well on my way to being the healthiest version of myself...I love to help others and I love to see people succeed in life! The journey may seem long, but it is so worth it! Time flies by so quickly!! So if you haven't made the commitment to yourself, to make the change for the healthy life you deserve, PLEASE START TODAY BECAUSE YOU'RE WORTH IT!

The only person holding you back from anything is yourself. You just have to believe in yourself and you WILL DO IT! And tell yourself that you will do it and believe it! I am so extremely proud of myself and my husband! I am not going to lie, it has not been easy, but it has DEFINITELY BEEN WORTH IT!!! Since 2011, my husband and I have used MyFitnessPal to track our progress, share our story, and motivate others to keep going!

I want others to succeed with me. I've learned so much during the first time I lost weight that I want to Pay it Forward and tell the world the 'secret' to getting healthy. Everyone has that moment where they decide it's time to lose the weight, no more yo-yo diets, this time it WILL WORK! IT'S CALLED DETERMINATION. Never give up! Always keep going and you will NEVER FAIL!

This journey is long. This journey is hard. This journey is worth it. This journey can be done. I can do it! I will do it! I am doing it! Transformation happens daily. One day at a time with patience and dedication. Do not give up on yourself! Giving up is not an option when you make a comittment to yourself to always keep going no matter what happens. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't on target with your goals everyday. Missing a day or two or three..however many doesn't mean you've failed, it means you are human. Do not rush the journey. Allow it to be as amazing as you! You can never fail as long as you keep going.

Here is a progress timeline of my journey.


Here is my most updated Progress Picture. The photo on the right was taken yesterday. There is a 45# difference between these two photos. To be honest I can hardly see a difference between these two photos, but I KNOW I am no longer the girl on the left. I am so much stronger, happier, and healthier! No matter what life throws your way always keep going because you are worth it! Change happens daily!


Thank you for reading my story!
Chasidy aka MrsGreenTea703


  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    Looking great! Congratulations! You have a nice hourglass shape :)
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you very much! I have worked really hard and I will continue to work hard until I am the healthiest I can be!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Thank you for sharing your journey. You are very inspiring and I too, love to watch Extreme Makeover Weight Loss. Keep up the good work!!
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you kindly @Lore11a
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want to be friends :D
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
  • sylverenergy
    sylverenergy Posts: 15 Member
    We seem to have similar stories. Except I haven't lost all that weight yet! I was in the 240 range when I got married in 1999. After 3 pregnancies (2000, 2001, 2002) that all ended in c-sections (and bad eating habits) I tipped the scales at 298. I was determined to not hit the 300 mark. I tried the Atkins diet, lost 40lbs then gained it all back. It wasn't until 2007 when my marriage was falling apart I stopped eating and by early 2008 dropped to 232. My divorce was final in 2009. Met someone. Fell in love. Got pregnant and married (in that order!) and gained. Got back down to 240 post pregnancy and got pregnant again. Had kiddo #5 and a tubal in July 2012. Been in the 260ish range since. Joined MFP in Jan of this year at 258.4lbs. Down to 234lbs. Determined to get fit and to a healthy weight! I'm not sure what that number will be for me. First goal is 25lbs down by April 1st. Almost there!!! Then another 25lbs over the next 12 weeks. Would love to add you as a friend on here!
  • makrogurl
    makrogurl Posts: 19 Member
    You look great! Keep up the good work!
    I so needed to read this today! I have been struggling lately and I almost cried reading this. I have been so close to giving up...again. Reading your words today have helped tremendously. Thank you so much for sharing. :-)
  • La_Malfaisante_
    La_Malfaisante_ Posts: 1,064 Member
    You look great and this is a amazing story!
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you @scaryg53
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    I would love to be friends @sylverenergy I sent you a friend request! Would love to motivate each other!
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    makrogurl wrote: »
    You look great! Keep up the good work!
    I so needed to read this today! I have been struggling lately and I almost cried reading this. I have been so close to giving up...again. Reading your words today have helped tremendously. Thank you so much for sharing. :-)

    Thank you so much @makrogurl
    I hope you don't mind, I sent you a friend request, would love to help motivate you and give you support on your journey!
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    You look great and this is a amazing story!

    Thank you @La_malfaisante_ that means so much to me!! :D

  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    you are a dang motivation.... we all have good days and bad days...... the old saying of.... IT's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish!....we WILL get to that finish day.... I have been here on this site for over 5 years....i log in every single day..... i have lost and gained and lost again...I think I would be dead without my MFP friends..... you never know what little tidbit of motivation you will get by the person you least expect it from.....I have done it and you know how to do it... its just getting that mind right and keeping it right.....

    Its not a secret...we know what to do......

    Thanks for your story..... keep working hard.....

  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you very much Bill! @Willnorton Yes WE WILL get it done! One day at a time!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited March 2015

  • wackyncrazy1
    wackyncrazy1 Posts: 56 Member
    Your post is so motivating and so true. Just got to keep going never stop take the good with the bad and don't let it get you down. Stay strong.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    You look great- this is very inspiring. Thanks for posting :smile:
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I really like your story and can relate. I love your never give up attitude. It's funny how once our minds switch into a healthy lifestyle and we start living it, we always go back to it even if we may fall off the track from time to time. Thanks for sharing you look great.
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »

    Love this! :D
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