Beginners Strength Training



  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    Look around on the web for "Stronglifts 5x5" - the initial document can be had for free
    Look into a bookstore for "Starting Strength" or "New Rules of Lifting for Women"
    I can whole hardily say Les Mills Pump ( was the best beginners weight lifting program I found.
    There's a great book called "The Complete Guide To Strength Training" by Anita Bean (body builder).

    Well, as a man, I'm guessing that NROLFW would be inappropriate. What about the others? Would any of them be appropriate for a terribly out of shape, absolute beginner, 46 yo male?

    New Rules of Lifting for Life.
  • tcraw15
    tcraw15 Posts: 223 Member
    You don't necessarily need to use weights to start with strength training. There a quite a few exercises using your body weight only. You can try searching on Pinterest or YouTube. There's a channel on YouTube that has some body weight exercises called FitnessBlender. I just recently stumbled upon it, but haven't yet tried any of their routines yet. There's also ZuzkaLight (also on YouTube) which includes both body weight exercises for strength training as well as HIIT routines for cardio. Hope this helps! :)

    Yup. Bodyweight is good. There's a program right now that I'm following called "You Are Your Own Gym" (YAYOG). They have an app for it if you have an iPhone. It seems to be working pretty well so far. I mainly got it cause I don't have a gym membership and can't afford one right now, otherwise I'd probably be doing Stronglifts 5x5.
  • ForMyTomorrow
    ForMyTomorrow Posts: 13 Member
    Do NOT be intimidated by other people at the gym. We were all new once and if anything, they respect people more that lift. Those cardio machines will just make you a smaller version of the shape you have. Its the adding muscle that burns more fat and keeps the fat off.

    Thanks for saying this! I am terrified of the weight area at the gym because everyone over there always looks like they know exactly what they are doing and it is only men. I am just beginning and it is so hard to ignore that part of my brain that is telling me I look stupid. I did some research before I began but still not sure....Will be looking at some of the info posted.
  • AttilaTheHorn
    AttilaTheHorn Posts: 6 Member
    Buy "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. Read it, do it, live it. Use barbells and dumbbell and avoid machines. Bench presses, shoulder presses, squats, deadlifts, assisted pull ups. No pain no gain. Start out with
    Lighter weights and use perfect form to avoid injuries.

    Do all that and you'll get really good results!
  • AttilaTheHorn
    AttilaTheHorn Posts: 6 Member
    And yeah don't be intimidated by the guys in the weight area. Worry about nobody but yourself! Everyone started out as a beginner. Most of those meathead guys will be glad to show you how to do things. I know...I am one and have known many. Most of us are good guys who like showing beginners how its done.
  • afflatushead
    afflatushead Posts: 15 Member
    that sounds awesome! Exactly what I need!