From 330lbs to 217lbs

What's up everyone? Just thought I would share my story with everyone to give a little hope, motivation, and insight on the pain and glory of losing over 100lbs. Here's my story....

In May of 2011 I got on the scale... Scared. I weighed in at 332lbs. I asked myself, "How did this happen?" As I stood in front of the mirror. I was shocked and knew that I had to change my life right that instant and that there was no tomorrow and no next week. I knew before I needed to start exercising that I had to lose a few pounds from just straight dieting. I didn't want to crash diet so I stuck with a basic 2000 calorie diet and saw a 13lb weight loss in two weeks just from dieting.

I was always into powerlifting but neglected my diet and neglected cardio. I decided to focus on a more well rounded exercise approach where I would maintain strength but gain emduramce, lose weight, and really be the person O was destined to be.

I went to WalMart and purchased two jump ropes and that same day I decoded to look up fitness Apps. MyFitnessPal stodd out so I downloaded it and immediately started tracking my calories. The next morning I rose bright and early before my normal strength workout and headed to a piece of land that I own, where I was alone and free from the eyes of critics. I started off doing 200 jump ropes a day, with horrible form I might add. My body wasn't used to it. It was used to the cardio. I felt like hell but stuck with this exercise for 7 days a week. I never took a day off. Gradually my reps would go up from 200 to 300, from 300 to 500, from 500 to 1000. I did my jump ropes in 100 rep sets.

There were dark days throughout thisbeginning process. There was doubt and there was a sense of failire but I never gave up. I turned to YouTube and discovered two of the greatest influences in my life, Greg Plitt and Matt Ogus. At this time I was around 285lbs and needed that motivation.

I won't bore you with any more details but after a year of hard work I reached my goal of under 220lbs and hit 217lbs.

Let me tell you, the hardest part isn't losing the weoght. Once you see the results you become addicted to it. Its the greatest drug and high you will ever experience in your life. The hardest part for me at least is maintaining s good habit. There are times when I will gain 15lbs and I formerly would get down on myswlf. However there is something that I realized and I want all of you to realize. Everyday is a learning possibility. Every pound gained and every pound lost is a learning possibility. If we understood ourselves as unique individuals then we would be perfect species. Everyone is different, everyone requires different amounts of exercise, differemt amounts of macros, different amounts of calories. You need to stop comparing yourself to others and following other peoples by the book diets and shape your diet and your goals around you individually. Its a learning process that you will forever live with and have to adapt as the years go by.

Thank you all for reading this thesis and I wish the best of luck yo everyone of you out there.

Embrace the grind.


  • dswope85
    dswope85 Posts: 9 Member
    congrats and thank that is great advice !
  • leecha2014
    leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
    Thank you for sharing and congratulations !!!! I love your story, your determination and perseverance. I really liked what you had to say at the end about getting to know yourself as a unique individual. So true, we are all guilty of comparing ourselves and it is the worst thing you can do. I'm taking your advice, thank you and congrats again !!!!!
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    Great job!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing! Your still will motivate and inspire many, including myself!
  • BackInTheSaddle13
    BackInTheSaddle13 Posts: 47 Member
    Fantastic job! Thanks for sharing!
  • carlamenzione
    carlamenzione Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks so much, truly inspirational!
  • Very inspiring as I start my weight loss journey.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Very good points, and congratulations on your success and awesome outlook!
  • AmyTCaldwell
    AmyTCaldwell Posts: 86 Member
    Congratulations my friend, you look awesome,and remember,always stay focused,keep your chin up,and head held high.when life knocks ya down,get right back up and dust your self off. Never look back,always move forward,and thank the good lord above,for all his blessings. And you my friend are a blessing to me and all others,who have or who is struggling ..never give up......:-) :-) :-) :-) congratz again,and good luck.
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