Being the schmuck at the gym



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    There are no schmucks at the gym, only on the couch. If someone was laughing at you (even silently) and thinking "God, what is SHE doing here?!" what does that say about them? I would rather be the women who stepped outside of her comfort zone to reach her goals any day of the week vs Judgy McJudgerson. I recently started Stage 1a/b and I admit I am still nervous but I have just decided that if I am consistent and I am making progress, I will get to my goal. What does it matter if some *kitten* thinks I should be at McDonalds? Do your thing girl! Find a more lady friendly gym if you have to, but don't let fear stop you.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I know that feeling! I still feel out of place when I lift at times, but really aside from admiring YOU (or themselves) in the mirror, no one really pays too much attention. I put ear buds in my ears, do my thing, and go home happy! Be proud of yourself and just do what you do!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    There are no schmucks at the gym, only on the couch. If someone was laughing at you (even silently) and thinking "God, what is SHE doing here?!" what does that say about them? I would rather be the women who stepped outside of her comfort zone to reach her goals any day of the week vs Judgy McJudgerson. I recently started Stage 1a/b and I admit I am still nervous but I have just decided that if I am consistent and I am making progress, I will get to my goal. What does it matter if some *kitten* thinks I should be at McDonalds? Do your thing girl! Find a more lady friendly gym if you have to, but don't let fear stop you.

    Right on!!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I go to a very small, packed, basement style gym full of lots of guys who flex in the mirror and I am nervous as hell.

    if it bugs you that much, can you change gyms, or workout times?

    Practice at home, for sure, there are lots of vids on youtube.

    OR, start with a different workout that doesn't change moves every couple of weeks. Some of the ones in NROLFW are really strange-looking and feel odd to do, because they're not regular 'gym' movements, or weren't a while ago.

    Here are some really good workouts that don't have a million moves. You could learn just a few exercises at one time, and get to know them really well:

    This way, you're not always learning, You can get to be good at things and feel like you know what you're doing in public.
  • bonelessskinless
    take a picture of the instructions

    read the picture between sets

    don't try to do too many different ones your first time
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    When I was new to New Rules, I solved this by printing the spreadsheets to take with me to the gym, and doing a no-weights run-through of each exercise before I left the house. The practice at home helped me to learn and remember which exercise was which on the spreadsheet.

    I still take a spreadsheet and pencil, sweat towel and bottle of water to the gym and carry it with me.

    I don't care what other people bring or don't bring to the gym. I do see others who carry paper and pencils with them. I also see people who carry a duffel bag full of crap with them and tote it from station to station. Honestly, no one cares. In the free weight area, even more so than the classrooms or cardio areas, people are there to work out and they are fairly serious about it. As such, they tend to not pay much attention to what everyone else is doing.

    Take what you need -- book, paper, pencil, headphones, towel, water -- and claim your space in the weight room. Be courteous, but do your thing and don't worry about everyone else. They're doing their thing, too and not worrying one bit about you and your book.
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    I bring my book with me every time! I don't care if anyone sees me looking at it or not. Pretty soon, you'll just need to glance at it and then you will know what to do. I've also heard of people making photocopies and bringing those with them. Either way, in about six weeks or so you will OWN the gym. And you know what? Those guys will be watching YOU! It happens every time I go to the gym now. Not only that, but the big beefy guys you speak are really pretty nice and are even helpful. I think sometimes their bark is worse than their bite. Have fun!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Zero people in the entire world were born knowing proper form. Zero people were born fit. Everyone had to start from nothing. Everyone had to endure the perceived embarrassment/intimidation that comes with their first time at the gym. Take a firm grasp of your genitals (figuratively or literally) and get to it. At best, people will be sympathetic. At worst, they won't even notice you.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member

    It boils down to the embarrassment of being the chubby girl at the gym looking like she is trying.

    People will think more of you for this than they will of the skinny girls on the elliptical who spend the whole hour chatting and not breaking a sweat.

    Also, I used to be the fat out-of-shape lady who looked like she was trying. Now I'm a regular who works her *kitten* off and has the muscles to show for it. You gotta start somewhere.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I can say that when i see a woman coming over to lift heavy things up and put them down, i'm applauding them in my head. ir's pretty sweet when the 3 powerlifting platforms are being taken up by women.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I bring the written workouts that my trainer created for me. It doesn't matter what other people think about this. If they are paying attention to what you are doing, they aren't paying attention to their own workout and not accomplishing anything being at the gym.
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    now you listen :) NO ONE at the gym thinks of you as the "chubby girl looking like she is trying". they think of you as the badass girl who is getting it done. that's what i would think if i saw you. i would be giving you a mental high-five :)

    almost everyone i know who lifts carries their program with them either on a digital device or on paper when they first start something new, not just those who are new to lifting. and when i am in the gym and see someone lifting--especially another girl--i NEVER think "oh, she probably doesn't quite know what she's doing" or "oh, she doesn't belong"--i think "damn, that's really what i need to be doing, too! props to her for having the motivation to get out there and do it!"

    despite what we try to tell ourselves in our heads, the people around us generally want good things for us and hope to see us succeed. take that book with you to the gym. or take some of the suggestions others have thrown out there about how else to keep the information you need with you. when i did NROLW, i used these logs and really liked them:

    (sadly i did not continue past stage 1, but it wasn't because of the program--i LOVED the program. i was just irresponsible and let life-things get in the way. thinking of trying again!)

    however you do it, just get out there and do it. i am rooting for you and i know the people in your physical environment will be rooting for you. if all else fails and you really feel like you don't know what you're doing, smile and ask someone for help--even if you don't get "good" help, you will probably make a new fitness friend, which is never a bad thing. i really believe you will be SO glad you did NROLW!
  • halffull_pgh
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback. I went to the gym on Friday, book in hand, and had a great workout. I was feeling a little dorky at first when I kept pulling my book out and flipping through to read and be sure I was doing the exercise properly until the fit/cut/totally hot guy next to me farted when he pulled into his dead lift. I smirked and started feeling like I had little to be embarrassed about.

    Feel free to add me if you have just started or have had a successful fitness journey. The support of MFP is very encouraging.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I considered the photo copies. Honestly I felt guilty wasting the paper. I suppose I should also assume it will only take me a few loops of this stage of the routine to know what I am doing and then I shouldn't need the book as a crutch.

    It boils down to the embarrassment of being the chubby girl at the gym looking like she is trying.

    Take a picture of the pages you need and put them on your phone.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Or find the E book and down load it
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    How about using some log sheets like these:

    Just add in details of the exercises and goal weights you intend to do then take it along to the gym. While you're working out all you have to do it tick off when you've hit your rep/weight goals or make shorts notes where you've had to make adjustments.

    Take the book with you too to refer to if you need to for specific exercises until you are confident with the moves.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I considered the photo copies. Honestly I felt guilty wasting the paper. I suppose I should also assume it will only take me a few loops of this stage of the routine to know what I am doing and then I shouldn't need the book as a crutch.

    It boils down to the embarrassment of being the chubby girl at the gym looking like she is trying.

    No matter how many mixtakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't even trying. - Tony Robbins.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    do what you want, if you need the book take it. If you whimp out and dont want to look like a doucher, go to a less douche-y gym?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback. I went to the gym on Friday, book in hand, and had a great workout. I was feeling a little dorky at first when I kept pulling my book out and flipping through to read and be sure I was doing the exercise properly until the fit/cut/totally hot guy next to me farted when he pulled into his dead lift. I smirked and started feeling like I had little to be embarrassed about.

    Feel free to add me if you have just started or have had a successful fitness journey. The support of MFP is very encouraging.

    Ha, laugh it up now, but there's a good chance it will happen to you at some point. It's pretty hard to control during squats and deadlifts. But girls don't fart right? That's just not ladylike...