Low carbers! What do yall eat to only have 20g a day limit???



  • adinapetreus
    adinapetreus Posts: 8 Member
    I start my day with a black coffe no sugar or milk( milk and sugar in my coffee was something i couldnt live without).once you cut out sugar and i dont mean only the Sugar. Bread,rice and pasta become glucose once in your body. Most of the fruits aswell. So i cut that out completly. Anyway..black coffe with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil(15 ml). I have 2 of those a day..you need to rase ur fat on a keto.lowering the carbs its not enough.u need to eat fat to burn fat...red meat always with some asparagus,spinach,avocado,greens..u choose. Allways make my stakes in butter. Olives help to raze fat. If u need something sweet check out the Fat bomb vanilla icecream.the less fat u eat the hungrier you will feel next day.i do some High Intensity Interval Trainnig and mix my keto with Intermitent Fasting. There are apps and youtube vids on that. Hope that works for you.best of luck. Hope to see more on your keto.
  • adinapetreus
    adinapetreus Posts: 8 Member
    No snacks guys.no berries and fruits. no dairy .And ur carbs should be fine
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the helpful tips! I did low carb(75 and under)diet a couple years ago and it's the only thing that I have found if followed to a T will make me lose weight.

    Also what do yall do as a fiber source other than broccoli? I have been eating blackberries, but if you eat to many the carb count starts to go way up.


    Again, remembering if you're aiming for 20, you should deduct the fiber from the total carbs (use the "net carbs" number on that chart, it's already computed for you). Everything from the top down to plums is 5g net or less for 100g serving. It's unlikely you'll ever eat 100g serving of most of it.

    Avocado and berries will get you the best numbers for the least net carbs.

    I was recently reading 'Keto Clarity" again net carbs are mentioned. He says, "don't use net carbs, it's total carbs." I went on to investigate further this issue, and yeah it should be "total carbs" not "net carbs"

    This is because fiber can be added to a food. Does it make sense that if you eat 50g of carbs, and then take 25g of fiber it will cancel out 25 g of carbs? obviously not.

    I came across this info because i was reading about this guy who ate 1 net carb who is a type one diabetic and his blood glucose went up to 300 mg/dL

    That's not how it works, though. Fiber IS a carbohydrate. So if you were hypothetically "adding" 25g of fiber to a food, you would also be adding 25g of carbs, and it would net to zero. So you're right that it wouldn't cancel out 25g of the existing carbs. Which is why you can't add a bunch of metamucil to a milkshake and think it will be low net carbs.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    The only carbs fibre can cancel out are the carbs contained in the fibre itself.

    It is Bad Nutrition Math to subtract your fibre content from your carb content unless you are double-counting the fibre carb content as both fibre and carb.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    fatblatta wrote: »
    You can look at my diary. My target is about 20. I am eating LCHF. I struggle to get my protein down and my fat up.

    Have you tried fattier cuts of meat - chicken thighs instead of breast for example (fattier cuts taste better imo)
  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the helpful input on here again. I think I am just going to stick around the 50ish carb a day range. Seems easier for me to sustain with that amount.

    So yall say every gram of fiber I I take I need to substract that from my carb total? Just wanted to know if I was under standing that correctly. If so all along my carb totals have been around the 20-30g range.lol

    Also these are the foods I usually eat during the week in no certain order:
    Scrambled eggs
    Boars head turkey from deli
    Turkey burgers(no bun)
    Lots of cheese
    Black berries
    Grilled chicken breasts
    Raw cashews
    11oz muscle milk protein drink(1 a day)
    Greek yogurt
    Water water water

    Is this alright or should I add or substract something?thanks

    Forgot to add broccoli,cauliflower,and carrots
  • mazinhabs
    mazinhabs Posts: 6 Member
    I lost 12 pounds in less two months by just changing my diet to "clean", mostly paleo. My main diet is about 130g of carbohydrates, 110 g protein (I should eat about 160, but it's hard for me for some reason), 30 g of fat and 25g of sugar.
    I have reached plateau so started the Carb Cycle diet. Day one is low day carb (less than 50g and more protein), second day 100g of carbs, third day 200g carbs and then starts all over. I have lost 3 pounds so far ad it's been a week.
    I do crossfit and I don't do well with long periods of time without a good amount of carbs, my body doesn't like it lol however, I avoid at all cost simple carbs (except on my weekly cheat day, we all need some fun too :smile: )

  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the helpful input on here again. I think I am just going to stick around the 50ish carb a day range. Seems easier for me to sustain with that amount.

    So yall say every gram of fiber I I take I need to substract that from my carb total? Just wanted to know if I was under standing that correctly. If so all along my carb totals have been around the 20-30g range.lol

    Also these are the foods I usually eat during the week in no certain order:
    Scrambled eggs
    Boars head turkey from deli
    Turkey burgers(no bun)
    Lots of cheese
    Black berries
    Grilled chicken breasts
    Raw cashews
    11oz muscle milk protein drink(1 a day)
    Greek yogurt
    Water water water

    Is this alright or should I add or substract something?thanks

    The whole net carbs vs total carb thing is really an issue for someone who isn't a diabetic so yes you can subtract fiber from total carbs to get net carbs.

    I would watch the content of sugar in greek yogurt. Just depends how much on your goals but some probably eat that on low carb.

    Also, don't be afraid of fat. Cook with butter, oil, eat full fat cheese, and full fat salad dressings.

  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    No snacks guys.no berries and fruits. no dairy .And ur carbs should be fine

    Why would cutting dairy make your carbs fine? Many cheeses have a very small amount of carbs.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    The only carbs fibre can cancel out are the carbs contained in the fibre itself.

    It is Bad Nutrition Math to subtract your fibre content from your carb content unless you are double-counting the fibre carb content as both fibre and carb.

    By the way you spell fiber i can see you're not from the US. This is an issue i was trying to bring up, different countries do their carb/fiber information differently. Using the TotalCarbs - Fiber = net carbs can throw people off who are in different countries.

    And since the OP is in the US, you're telling him to read his nutrition labels like they're written in Australia. The whole point of net carbs is to make US labels match those used in the rest of the world, not to double deduct fiber.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the helpful tips! I did low carb(75 and under)diet a couple years ago and it's the only thing that I have found if followed to a T will make me lose weight.

    Also what do yall do as a fiber source other than broccoli? I have been eating blackberries, but if you eat to many the carb count starts to go way up.


    Again, remembering if you're aiming for 20, you should deduct the fiber from the total carbs (use the "net carbs" number on that chart, it's already computed for you). Everything from the top down to plums is 5g net or less for 100g serving. It's unlikely you'll ever eat 100g serving of most of it.

    Avocado and berries will get you the best numbers for the least net carbs.

    I was recently reading 'Keto Clarity" again net carbs are mentioned. He says, "don't use net carbs, it's total carbs." I went on to investigate further this issue, and yeah it should be "total carbs" not "net carbs"

    This is because fiber can be added to a food. Does it make sense that if you eat 50g of carbs, and then take 25g of fiber it will cancel out 25 g of carbs? obviously not.

    I came across this info because i was reading about this guy who ate 1 net carb who is a type one diabetic and his blood glucose went up to 300 mg/dL
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but that doesn't make sense to me.

    Using your example, if something is 50 grams of carbs and you just add 25 grams of fiber to it, then total carbs will be 75. So if you take 75 and subtract the 25 of fiber, you end up at 50 net carbs again....which is the right number (unless I am missing something here).
  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm just gonna stick to 50ish carbs per day and not count fiber against it. And yes I am doin high protein/fat low carb. The fat helps reduce my hunger.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There's no way I'm going to make things even MORE confusing by subtracting fibre from carbs!
    I use some Australian foods in my diary and some from the USDA data base, so subtracting this and that would end up being completely inaccurate. Seriously not worth a few grams of extra carbs....
  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    So since I've started low carb(50ish) fat seems to be melting off so far. Feeling pretty good about it and don't feel to miserable either. Plenty of energy!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    So since I've started low carb(50ish) fat seems to be melting off so far. Feeling pretty good about it and don't feel to miserable either. Plenty of energy!

    Congrats. For a lot of people the hardest part is just figuring out what works for them and what doesn't. All the numbers people throw out are based on averages, and it's up to everyone to figure out what works best for them. (that's true of all WOE's)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    jonnie256 wrote: »
    I just don't see how you can consistantly only get 20g everyday. I mean so many foods have carbs even fruits. I have been trying low carbs but I still end up around 50-60g a day. Can yall give me examples of your daily diet?thanks

    Check out my diary entries over the past few days (that's all I have since I'm new). It's not exactly 20g NET carbs b/c MFP doesn't seem to sort that out, but you get the idea of the general pattern.

    It doesn't work on mobile, but it works if you use MFP on the website:
  • ceelosesco
    ceelosesco Posts: 1 Member
    I was already eating low carb about 100-150g a day until I tested. I am also insulin resistant and my BS seem to hover above normal. What I do now is mostly consume 1/4th of all veggie smoothies innormally had before diluted in water and increase my fat which include half avocado with bfast and lunch and tbsp of coconut oil with my protein shakes (Isopure no carb no sugar) for post workout. My macros are 75% fat 20% protein 5% carb. It's really hard to stay at those numbers but I do pretty close and have lost 10lbs in a month but somehow still maintain most of my strength when lifting. Better energy and sleep.