DEXA Body Scan - Shed Fat, Not Weight



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP what have you found for your dissertation in regard to like bod pod and hydrostatic weighing for the gold standard of measuring body fat % if you had?
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    This is all really interesting stuff, thanks for getting so involved everyone!

    Just one quick question, would you say the DEXA scan is worth the money? (basing it on £250 for the scan)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited April 2015
    Edit after seeing Yarwell's better pricing!
  • lydiakitten
    lydiakitten Posts: 132 Member
    I had a friend who got a lot of DEXAs done to monitor her muscle/fat, after she'd been taking cortisone and having some chemos done. The medical doctors didn't seem to trust the scans that much, and only used them as one possible clue among others. Indeed, there is a lot of space for error and inaccuracy with DEXA scans, and they do use formulas based on population averages.

    Plus it's expensive. Skinfold calipers have similar error margins and are free at some gyms.

    Still, I maintain that the best way to know how fat or muscly your body is, is touching it, looking at it, testing it, feeling how strong or how squishy you are, comparing throughout a period of time. But that's just an opinion, of course.