Starting Again


Just started again after finding that none of my 'going out' clothes fit me only 3 weeks after i'd last been out.

I'm 5'3 and want to get down to about 147lbs, meaning I need to lose about 25lbs.

Ive got a special birthday coming up in 9 weeks and hope I can get to it by then (I am really ambitious).

I lack motivation and the will to leave sweets and chocolate alone so that if a definite tick against me :frown:

If anybody has any tips they could give me that would be a big help


Dee :smile:


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi welcome to MFP.

    This tool has been very helpful to me to achieve my weight target.

    I have to confess, It took me 15 months to get rid of 23 pounds, so I can not really help you with your weight targets in the next 9 weeks.

    My only suggestion is: Inform yourself, read MFP message boards about TDEE and BMR. These were very informative for me.

    Good luck in your journey
  • kachine1k
    kachine1k Posts: 14
    Hi and thank you

    Thanks for your reply. I know im being optomistic that i will lose 25lbs in 9 weeks.

    I will take your advice on board and hopefully it will help me.

    Dee :smile:
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    can be done easily in 9 weeks just cut 1000 calories a day
  • kachine1k
    kachine1k Posts: 14
    I have already cut 1800 calories, if i go any lower i will be starvation mode
  • jazzleighinternational
    My older brother says to me all the time...salad and little meat. Buy yourself a new outfit if it works into your budget and then keep on plugging away at your 25lbs. We are all here to help :)
  • kachine1k
    kachine1k Posts: 14
    Thanks jazz

    Im mainly eating salad and some meats as Ive already cut chocolate, crisps, biscuits and cakes out. My stomach thinks my brain has gone mad lol

    The idea of a new outfit sounds like a good idea :smile:
  • brittanydwright
    well while dieting i allow myself whatever i want especially chocolate but like a bag of cookies 2 or 3 not the whole bag eat it slow and make yourself bellieve hey i am really enjoying this snack :)
  • kachine1k
    kachine1k Posts: 14
    Thanks Brittany i'll try that.

    My main problem with chocolate is at work, I sit next to a vending machine and have no way of getting away from it :frown:
  • SarahxCheesecake
    SarahxCheesecake Posts: 169 Member

    ... I sit next to a vending machine and have no way of getting away from it :frown:

    OH JESUS..............worst nightmare.......
  • Nickolas919
    My go to snack is a train mix I made. Almonds, Cashews, raisins. Buy big bags of the nuts and raisins and mix in one small pack of M&M's for that small reward.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Great support group and motivational group on MFP! You guys will love it! :)
  • kachine1k
    kachine1k Posts: 14
    Good idea Nick, i will definately be doing that :smile:

    Shawn thanks for letting us know, a definite join for me as its just what i need
  • amomofboys79
    Can you leave your money in the car or somehere its not accessible? (assuming you must pay for these snacks from the machine)
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    can be done easily in 9 weeks just cut 1000 calories a day

    9 weeks and 1000 cals is 18lbs total, not 25.