Even though I know better...

...sometimes I wake up and am disappointed that the fat on my belly and thighs has not magically disappeared overnight...especially since I've been doing so well for a few weeks. I know it took AGES to get to this point so it's not going away in such a short fraction of the time. I KNOW patience is a virtue - a virtue that I seem to lack a bit...ok...a lot. I am a smart person. I KNOW this disappointment is RIDIC!

But it is in this disappointment - as IRRATIONAL as I know it is - where I start to try to justify why not working out today won't matter or why indulging in ice cream, cake, a baguette with goat cheese, and some beer today - just today - will be fine. I mean, it's not working anyway, right?! I've been feeling as I've been acting nearly close to perfect but I didn't wake up perfect so WTF...I'll just enjoy today and start again tomorrow.

It's Friday...it's the weekend...life is short...that little kid in me wants it her way!


So instead...I write down my feelings in this crazy cyber community in hopes that once I get them on screen...I have acknowledged them and they will pass. It worked for the working out...I posted on my wall and my friends and fellow SHREDDERS added words of encouragement so I've already completed day 7 of the Shred Challenge as well as day 7 of the Squat Challenge. And I did 3 burpees cuz I sort of am challenging myself to do that as well. And I just ate a healthy meal.

I am going to stay in the NOW and do my best! Happy Friday MFPers. Hope you all stay strong and accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself today.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I could say yes forever, but that would not convey the amount of agreement that I have with you. For me, patience is the name of the game, and while I don't consider my diet restrictive or even all that hard to do, there are some days where I'm like, "Why am I doing this again?"

    It's a weird feeling because I generally remind myself of how far I've come, but still, it's really, really strange because I've never been skinny. I have nothing to remind me of what I'm aspiring towards - no highschool jeans, no pictures of old, no pre-baby number on the scale. What is this mystery skinniness I'm working towards, and why is it so worth it? It's just an odd feeling, not a bad one.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    I think that we all feel that way from time to time - just keep your chin up and your head held high and be proud of what you have accomplished so far!!! Where would you be if you were in that mindset EVERY day? right back where you started.

    Get side by side pics of you at your heaviest and you now and put them on your mirror where you get ready in the am to remind yourself HOW VERY FAR YOU HAVE COME!!!!

    One year from now, you can look back at this day and think "what did I do that day to help me get to where I am now?"
  • loopylin32
    loopylin32 Posts: 63
    I know exactly where youre coming from. I talk myself out of things all the time ,.. oh its just one bar of chocolate .... ahhh but its friday... theres no point if i cant do at least an hour etc etc .... I think its just self sabotage. or in my case, laziness ;)
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I feel like I've lost weight everywhere except my stomach, and it's frustrating, but I KNOW if I keep doing what I'm doing, it will come off eventually. When I feel frustrated, I think about how good I'll look a year from now, and that keeps me going.
  • TheMiddlePath
    TheMiddlePath Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks you guys! I did really well today. I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Patience is a virtue.
  • cdjs77
    cdjs77 Posts: 176 Member
    I definitely feel this way, especially because, although I was thinner, I was incredibly out of shape when I started so I made tremendous improvements during the first few weeks. I lost 4kg, went from 1 push up to 10, and doubled the amount of crunches and squats I could do all in the first three to four weeks. Now I'm only seeing slow changes, and it is frustrating given that I started out improving so quickly.