Need a little gym motivaton

I have been tracking my food for the last 76 days and as of 3/22/15 I lost a total of 28 pounds. I am loving the success in tracking my food however getting to the gym is always mission impossible. I was going for a good 3 weeks and doing the 5x5 program and some additional cardio as well as some additional lifting if there was still energy in me. It felt great to go to the gym and I love it while I am there. However, getting there is a whole other story. I am never motivated to go to the gym after I get home after work and I go to work too early to squeeze in a workout in the AM. The gym is about a 15 min drive so there is no excuse. I want this bad and I have a goal that I want to reach and the only one who can make me go to the gym is me so I know I must get this done on my own. How did you get over your bump in the road and commit to going to the gym? I just need a little motivation :-)