Not new to attempting this time i will succeed

Hi all, not the first time ive tried dieting/lifestyle changes, but this time im prepared to give it my all.

From south west uk, aiming to try reach 50lb loss as my first target then take it down to 75-100lbs loss eventually.

A little about me, after a long bout with depression all the meds and bad eating habits finally caught up with me. Being a father being active is important and i wish to lose weight to be more active with my child and to also one day run a marathon to raise money for a charity close to me. I can admit i have given up easily in the past and have let emotions get the better of me. Now i want to fight back and bring my confidence and the old happy me back in to the world :)


  • Lang_22
    Lang_22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I feel the same way. This is not the first time I've tried dieting/lifestyle changes, also like you, I am all in and not looking back. I'm 26, grew up playing on a competitive traveling soccer (football) team my whole life. When I was 17, I traveled to Sweden and Denmark to play in Dana Cup. But life happen after and the college years came, along with the gf. Then comfy life took over. I'd used these as excuses for not being at a point of my life that where I can be happy with myself. But two years ago, I had break through and lost 30 lbs. Sucks, but I gained it all back. But with the little success that I had before gives me hope every time I ask my WHY am I doing this, keeps my positive. I'm now at a point where I'm happy and ready to take this mountain and make the change. I don't want to recapture my golden years, I'm looking forward to making new ones that I can look back and tell my kids anything is possible. You just gotta believe in yourself. My goal is lose about 70lbs. So if you want, feel free to add me. I wish you luck and positivity along with success on top of success!