Transportation jobs and logging your food...

I thought maybe this could help if you travel a lot for work and pack your meals for the road.

I convinced my DH to join the ranks of MFP! He is in the transportation industry and travels a lot. Eating in diners is expensive financially and caloric-ly. So we pack his food for the road. But those home-grown baggies with individual servings don't come with nutrition information and definitely no barcodes. So I cut out the barcodes from the boxes, taped them to index cards and wrote relevant nutritional information on the card to remove all the guesswork. I don't have bar codes. Woops.

Anyone else have any road-savvy tips?


  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    When I was in college I used to pre log all my food for days at a time because my internet was so laggy it was hard to pull MFP up and I labeled each pre-portioned baggy with when I was supposed to eat it.
  • dooplegoon
    dooplegoon Posts: 66
    When I was in college I used to pre log all my food for days at a time because my internet was so laggy it was hard to pull MFP up and I labeled each pre-portioned baggy with when I was supposed to eat it.

    That's a great idea. I bet it made it even easier to stay in your calories for the day since you didn't have to think about what you could eat and it was already made and ready to go.