Starting Fresh

All my life I have struggled with my weight and motivation. Almost every summer I will go on a health kick for about a month and I'll lose about 5 pounds but as soon as school starts I drift off into a lazy snacking frenzy. If it's there I'll eat it basically. I have found that exercising isn't my issue any more, I fact I love going to the gym as long as I have my cousins my gym buddy. My problem is not knowing when to say no! Or how to control my urges to eat unhealthy. Does any one know any motivational tricks to balance out my diet?


  • annakoesterer618
    annakoesterer618 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks! That was definitely helpful!!
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 350 Member
    I found counseling was helpful to identify the underlying problem that led to the weight problem in the first place
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    What @thecunninglinguist‌ said! I have the same problem you do - love to exercise but also love junk food so I get stuck. Ask why you're eating. I'm a habitual late night snacker. I can go all day and kick *kitten* on my diet then when the boredom of night comes along I just want chips and candy and whatever other garbage I can eat to pass the time. When the weather is nice it's easier to avoid that problem (tonight I walked the dog to avoid snacking!) but in the winter it's hard! Allow small indulgences to keep from binging and just keep reminding yourself you don't NEED it and it will get easier.
  • annakoesterer618
    annakoesterer618 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks @CrazyMermaid1 and @lindsayh87 !!!! Love the advice!!