So afraid of binging

I'm recovering from an eating disorder and slowly working my way up again. I've been eating 1,100 calories - ish lately which is a BIG improvement on how I used to be eating 700-800.

But now that I'm eating more, I'm so afraid that I'm going to get used to it and want to eat more and more, and lose control and gain a lot of weight.. I've never binged but now I'm so afraid that's what might happen. Any advice?? A major thanks in advance!


  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    You could try and practice thinking about food as fuel. Like with drugs, you have those who use it for medicine, when they need it, and those who over-use the medicine so that it ceases to be medicine and turns into a drug. Try learning to think of food as medicine instead of a drug.
    And I know how everyone always insists that healthy food can taste great (it does), but there's also not very hard to make healthy food tastes a lot less good. And just keep junk food and sweets out of your house. I doubt you'll ever want to binge on raw spinach, right?