April 2015 Running Challenge



  • cathyjones08
    cathyjones08 Posts: 26 Member
  • Nottafattie
    Nottafattie Posts: 140 Member
    @ddmom0811 I think the guy would be less scary to me. I know how to disable a guy, but a opossum is another matter altogether. And every animal can get aggressive if they feel backed into a corner or if there are babies involved. On top of that, there was a report of a couple cases of rabies in a city about 45-60 minutes from where I live, so that's all going through my mind at this point because yes, I have seen Old Yeller. I know I have to loop by that spot a couple more times to get the planned distance in and all I can picture is a rabid opossum chasing me down the street in the dark.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    April 18 - 1.75 miles
    April 16 - 1.75 miles


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @nottafattie I'm not an expert but since you were seeing the opossum at night I wouldn't worry about him being rabid, if you see him during the day I would steer clear. One of my dogs got in a fight with a ground hog and the thing sliced my poor doggie's throat. It was wild when I got to Rascal (my dog) there was no blood on him but I notice the slit, it was in the folds of his neck so no blood. Scared me half to death. Of course in hindsight me running after a raging ground hog probably wasn't too smart LOL
    @_nikkiwolf_ so he thought he was held up 13 mins at the start, I'm going to start using that excuse LOL There is always someone who isn't happy. I always tell Skip to start near the front, always behind the Fleet Feet race team LOL but near the start. Otherwise she gets caught up in the 15 min milers who want to start up front. Me I like to pass people makes me feel like I'm FloJo so I don't mind starting back a bit.
    @cooter_mom I'm sorry you are hurting, please take care of yourself.
    @daisy471 peanut butter burger? Never heard of such a thing.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    4/1 - rest day
    4/2 - 4.4 miles - getting ready for HM on the 12th :smile:
    4/3 - 4.4 miles
    4/4 - rest day
    4/5 - 4.9 mile
    4/6 - 3.48 miles
    4/7 - rest
    4/8 - 3.48 miles
    4/9 - rest
    4/10 - rest
    4/11 - rest
    4/12 - 13.1 miles my first half marathon so excited 2:17.58 14 AG/555 OA
    hit a huge wall at 10.2 miles, my legs were spent, before that I was in front of the 2:15 pace group but I'm so proud of myself, I never stopped running and even had time to stop and hug my Skip at mile 10 :-)
    4/13 - rest
    4/14 - rest again
    4/15 - yep one more rest
    4/16 - legs said one more day (so did the thunder and lightening LOL)
    4/17 - 4.5 miles
    4/18 - 5.6 miles
    4/19 - 4.5 miles

    52.9 mile out of 130 - I'm so never reaching my goal this month.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @cooter_mom shlt snacks! Hope the tendonitis heals quickly. I have pain on the top of my foot, I'll have to look up the condition your battling. I mentioned it to my chiro, he had no idea really. Mines hurt more than 6 months but doesn't seem to get worse. I'd just hoped it wasn't a stress fracture in the makings.

    @Nottafattie better a possum than a skunk. My kids use to play with the possums (with the rowdy-er neighbor boys). They'd just play possum and hiss. Never got real aggressive. My daughter was not impressed when one boy put a baby on her back....Kids...

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I've been sending walking quotes to my walking team here at work and I came across this one. I love it.

    When people ask me why I run, I tell them, there's not really a reason, it's just the adrenalin when you start, and the feeling when you cross that finish line, and know that you are a winner no matter what place you got. - Courtney Parsons
  • millermkarate
    millermkarate Posts: 46 Member
    Slowly getting there ;)exercise.png
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    5th - 4.6km (walk)
    6th - 5km
    7th - 5.5km
    8th - 6.6km
    9th - 10km
    11th - 17.5km cycle (turbotrainer, not counted)
    14th - 3.68km
    15th - 7.4km
    16th - 2.68km (walk)
    17th - 2km (walk)
    17th - 500m pool swim (not counted)
    18th - 10km
    19th - 500m lake swim (not counted)
    20th - 10.1km
    21st - 660m pool swim (not counted)


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats to all who raced over the weekend! There were so many. Also congrats to everyone adding to their tickers all month, whether you are on target to achieve your planned mileage or not. As long as you can keep going (barring injury/illness of course) then you are still "winning" (insert Charlie Sheen meme).

    I felt so well recovered after my half on Saturday, and felt strong on my first run afterwards today so I went ahead and put in a 4 mile run which would be my normal training distance after a long run. I guess I'll just keep on going ahead with training this week and maybe do a 10 mile long run Saturday, then start tapering for another half on 5/9.

    4/1 - 6 miles
    4/4 - 6.1 miles
    4/6 - 2.3 miles
    4/11 - 13.1 miles 2:42:09.4
    4/14 - 2.26 miles
    4/18 - 13.1 miles 2:38:09
    4/21 - 4.04 miles

    @Training2BeFast @kristinegift @briebee7 @SonicDeathMonkey - Best wishes on your upcoming races (and anyone else racing this week I missed)!

    @Stoshew71 - I never cease to be amazed at the names of places deep in the country.

    @cooter_mom - It's always better to heal properly so you can run as much as you like later.

    @Nottafattie - That is pretty funny (from this perspective anyway). Definitely best that it was not a skunk! I rounded a bend on a paved trail in a local park and ran into a small herd of deer, with the buck just about 15 feet away looking right at me! I just kept on going and felt lucky to not be chased off by a bunch of pointy antlers.

    @Daisy471 - Congrats on the PR! That should probably be the standard bling for the girls-only races. Very nice.


  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    @karllundy, @skippygirlsmom - it had bacon too! It's a burger topped with bacon, peanut butter and pretzel pieces. Sounds horrible, but it's really good! Or maybe it's one of those things that only tastes good after running 2+ hours. And peanut butter does make everything better :smile:
  • teacton11
    teacton11 Posts: 65 Member
    3/30 - 7 Mi easy
    3/31 - 10 Mi steady state
    4/1 - 6 Mi recovery
    4/2 - 7 Mi steady state
    4/3 - 4 Mi easy double stroller
    4/4 - 22 Mi long
    4/4 - Rest
    56 mile week (39 in April)

    4/6 - 7 Mi easy
    4/7 - 10 Mi steady state
    4/8 - 6 Mi easy double stroller
    4/9 - 11 Mi easy
    4/10 - 7 Mi easy
    4/11 -10 Mi easy double stroller
    4/12 - Rest
    51 mile week

    4/13 - sick...
    4/14 - 7 Mi easy...still sick no fun crap crap crap
    4/15 - 10 Mi easy...blah
    4/16 - 11 Mi feeling a bit better
    4/17 - 7 Mi steady state back to normal
    4/18 - 13 Mi Trail
    48 mile week

    4/20 - 11 Mi steady state

    149/200 total

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I can attest to the deliciousness of a "Goober Burger" (a burger with peanut butter). It sounds weird, but it is a match made in heaven. If you think about it, it is matching the "umami" flavor of the peanut butter with the burger. It is not that much different really than peanut butter on chicken in terms of chicken satay. It works really well together. Bacon really kicks it up!
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    Took off on my run last night full of energy and really hitting my stride but got side lined by a killer cramp. I can usually run through a cramp but honestly its been a while since I had a bad one. But last night it hit hard! Stopped me dead. I was afraid to lift up my shirt and see a rib sticking out but thankfully no trauma :) Only managed 2 miles and it was still throbbing even after a stretch and several minutes on the couch.


    April 2 – 3.13 mi
    April 4 – 6.31 mi
    April 7 – 3.23 mi
    April 8 – 3.25 mi
    April 10 – 3.25 – 5k Glow Run. Running at night, through the woods. Official time 29:10 for 13th place overall.
    April 11 – 4.09 mi
    April 12 – 4.27 mi
    April 14 – 2.18 mi
    April 15 – 3.08 mi
    April 17 – 3.08 mi
    April 18 – 4.12 mi
    April 20 – 2 mi
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    DATE ... MILES ... TOTAL
    4/1 ... 8 ... 8
    4/2 ... 6 ... 14
    4/4 ... 23 ... 37
    4/6 ... 6.25 ... 43.25
    4/7 ... 6 ... 49.25
    4/9 ... 5 ... 54.25
    4/10 ... 3 ... 57.25
    4/11 ... 15 ... 72.25
    4/12 ... 2 ... 74.25
    4/13 ... 6.5 ... 80.75
    4/14 ... 6.5 ... 87.25
    4/15 ... 6.5 ... 93.75
    4/18 ... 10 ... 103.75
    4/20 ... 4 ... 107.75
    4/21 ... 5 ... 112.75

    112.75 done/150 Goal

    @daisy471 - I think I need to find somewhere to try that burger! I moved to a small(er) town 2 years ago and I really miss the fun and unusual food that you can find in bigger cities. That burger really does sound like a wonderful post-race meal.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Daisy471 wrote: »
    @karllundy, @skippygirlsmom - it had bacon too! It's a burger topped with bacon, peanut butter and pretzel pieces. Sounds horrible, but it's really good! Or maybe it's one of those things that only tastes good after running 2+ hours. And peanut butter does make everything better :smile:

    I don't even like peanut butter and that sounds good LOL

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @Nottafattie - we have possums here and they walk on the wall between our house and the apartments next to us. Our dog goes crazy when he sees them so we typically take a broom and knock them off the wall. I worked at a baby zoo when I was in college and the baby possums are really cute and fun but they are SO ugly when they grow up. They do serve a purpose though - they love to eat snails and slugs (as well as fruit).
    @cooter_mom and @Elise4270 - 'Crap on a cracker' and '*kitten* snacks' hahahahaha - OMG I laughed so hard! Seriously I hope your foot feels better!
    @Daisy471 - I have never seen that here but it sounds delicious especially after a race! I agree that anything with peanut butter (or bacon) is awesome and add to that a beer to wash it down! There is a beer garden for the runners after my half this weekend - looking forward to that!
    @mmabry72 - I hate cramps of any kind. Have not had one like that but it sounds very painful! I hope it is better now!
    @helenrachel123 - there will be a May Challenge. It is typically linked from the current month a few days before the end of the month or you can find it in the forums.

    Can I just say that I HATE taper week? It is perfect running weather (cool and overcast) and here I sit... reading about all of your runs! To top it off my strength training session had to be changed from tonight to Wednesday because of a schedule conflict. I think I will take the dog for a walk later this afternoon though - it will be good for both of us.
  • nango71
    nango71 Posts: 8 Member
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    What I got in my email just now....

    Half Fanatic #11352 (Jupiter)

    Stanley, at last you have found refuge, a place where you can call home, where the Fanatical can feel Normal again, and once again be treated like a normal human being. Welcome To The Fanatics AsyLum!!!!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    What I got in my email just now....

    Half Fanatic #11352 (Jupiter)

    Stanley, at last you have found refuge, a place where you can call home, where the Fanatical can feel Normal again, and once again be treated like a normal human being. Welcome To The Fanatics AsyLum!!!!

    Congrats! That is an impressive moon level.

    I never heard of half fanatics until this 39.3 series I am in mentioned we would be eligible to join afterwards. If I finish this series and then another half a week later I plan to apply as a Saturn.