low carb

Hi there
I'm new to this ... not dieting but to the community. This time I am determined to lose weight and become fitter. The problem im having is that I have a condition called pcos and rather than limit my calories I need to also limit the amount of carbohydrate I consume. Are there any other people who are in a similar place to me? Or any one who wants to just give advice ... id really appreciate it. Especially as I'm really determined not to slip this time.
Any way ....
Thanks for reading my babble.
Good luck every one.


  • Hi Rebekah!

    I'm confident that if you make it a habit to log on to MFP at least once a day, you will begin to see results!

    I previously lived with a friend who had PCOS and her doctors told her something similar. She, unfortunately, gained a good amount of weight and actually attributed a lot of the weight gain to her PCOS but also realized that she had bad eating habits.

    Just as an experiment, she and I decided to try one of the many fad diets out there. We had both reached a point where we were not seeing the results we wanted and we teamed up to tackle the 30-day Paleo Challenge. Normally I don't suggest these fad diets to anyone, but we wanted to try something different.

    We found after 30 days of paleo that we did feel better, although it felt like we were eating more. What we eventually settled on was a low carb/low glycemic index diet. We changed our eating habits drastically and went from eating boxed pasta on the regular to spaghetti squash instead. You don't have to go full force with it, but you would definitely benefit from making a few choice substitutions.

    We went in to this diet thinking it wouldn't work for us at all. In the end, she was down more than 10lbs in ~2-3 months and my body composition changed from soft to more tone.

    If this sounds interesting to you, there are many Paleo websites, although I prefer Pinterest above them all. Additionally, it is my plan to begin posting my meals on my MFP blog if you would like to subscribe and check it out!

    Good luck, Rebekah and don't let your PCOS define who you are!

    Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/ccorte7/paleo-noms/
  • ab1113
    ab1113 Posts: 1 Member
    Paleo is great. I don't stick to it 100% or try to cut out carbs completely. I went from 300-400g carbs per day to 150-200 per day while adding as much protein (lots of meat, eggs, greek yogurt, milk, nuts, whey protein powder) as possible and i feel great. I basically stopped eating pasta, bread, potatoes, cereal, and sugary snacks. I definitely also agree wit the low carb/low glycemic index diet mentioned above. I believe for me personally it's a great guideline to eat cleaner, boost my metabolism, and help lose weight. I've lost 6 lbs this month by not changing my exercise routine or calorie intake but by following the above guidelines. It's definitely something I recommend at least trying for a couple weeks to see how you feel. Whatever you do, I hope you find a way to feel your best!
  • rebekahfs82
    rebekahfs82 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you both so much for your reply. I have been using many of the recipes I have found on pintrest and that is where my research started. I have cut out all pasta and rice so far and only intend to eat sweet potatoes if necessary. I will look up the diet you both suggested. I am cooking so much more now and have a huge amount of energy because of it. I don't think about food as much as I did but I think that is because I am not hungry all of the time. Only time will tell with regards to the weight loss. I agree it is a life change and not a quick fix.
    Well ill keep you posted on my results.
  • rebekahfs82
    rebekahfs82 Posts: 3 Member
    By the way my name on pintrest is rebekah farnsworth. .. If you would like to share recipes :)