Can't seem to stop gaining???

No matter what I eat or do, I just keep gaining. In November, I went down to 148lbs. I'm now 176lbs. In November, I was sick with a stomach stress disorder(now on medication) and that was why I lost that weight. But now... nothing. I've tried pills, exercise, diet foods- I am one pound away from sticking my fingers down my throat. I've tried talking to my doctor, but all he ever does is remind me what I "should" weigh and how far from my goal I am.



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    The way to lose weight is to keep a reasonable calorie deficit. Do a search for a TDEE calculator and find out approximately how many calories you burn each day, and subtract a reasonable number from that (reasonable means around 250-500 should not end up with less than 1200 calories). Eat that number of calories each day. Do this for a month and check in to be sure that the estimate is correct. You do this by adding up the number of calories you've deducted and see if that matches the amount you've lost.

    So, for example, let's say you choose to deduct 500 calories, and your TDEE is 1850. That means you would eat 1350 calories each day. After 4 weeks at a 500 calorie deficit, you will have deducted 14,000 calories (500*7 days*4 weeks). A pound is 3500 calories, so 14,000/3,500 = 4. You should have lost 4 pounds at the end of 4 weeks.

    No amount of pills, exercise or diet foods is going to alter the fact that in order to lose weight, you must eat less than you burn. If you're gaining weight, then you're eating more than you burn.
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Just from what you wrote, it sounds like you're not trying to track your calories with real food and trying to make lifestyle changes.
    Until you STOP abusing your body both verbally and physically and start eating healthy, real food and exercising regular as a new way of life you won't be able to lose.
    And for the record, your weight is NOT justification to stick your fingers down your throat. As a woman 100lbs heavier than you, it's actually insulting to me.
    If you think that's a solution, please get psychological help, as you also have a very bad relationship with food and your body.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Looks like you start and stopped and started with mfp.

    Try to log your food each day. That way in a few weeks if your still not losing you can open you diary and people can be more specific in their help and advice.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    But eating just under the calories my fitness pal calculated should result in some weight loss if your recording and set it up accurately.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    There's only one way to lose weight; calorie deficit.
    Weigh your food and log it accurately. If you aren't losing pounds, you're NOT in a deficit.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    AliciaM456 wrote: »
    No matter what I eat or do, I just keep gaining. In November, I went down to 148lbs. I'm now 176lbs. In November, I was sick with a stomach stress disorder(now on medication) and that was why I lost that weight. But now... nothing. I've tried pills, exercise, diet foods- I am one pound away from sticking my fingers down my throat. I've tried talking to my doctor, but all he ever does is remind me what I "should" weigh and how far from my goal I am.

    Could the medication be a factor?

    Other than that, you don't need any special diets, pills or even exercise to lose weight. It's as simple as eating fewer calories than what your body is burning all day - that's sleeping, walking, working, chores, watching tv, etc.

    If you enter your info here at MFP and set it up with reasonable goals, all you have to do is log your food daily and stay on target. The daily goal you're given has you in a calorie deficit without exercise, so you could to goal every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. If you do log some exercise, the burned cals will be added back into your daily goal in order to keep you at the same deficit margin. Eat them back, bringing your net cals up to, or very near, goal. You'll still be in deficit and still lose weight.

    Sounds like you need a new doctor, because the one you've got sounds like a real downer. :stuck_out_tongue: