Dont know where to start!!

Im sooo over being over-weight!! I was generally athletic in high school ( average about 140lbs) ..since then I have had two kids. One is 11 ....and a 16 month old. I was around 175lbs when I got pregnant with my last son and my weigh in at hospital was 245lbs. I dropped down to 215lbs but recently gained more weight and I dont know what from ?? I am now weighing around 223-225 depending upon time of day. I don't know how to start this diet thing. I bought an hopes of self motivation...but its has turned into a coat hanger ;(. I work 12 hrs ...and the after getting too tired to work out. Any tips on how to kick start my energy level? My metabolism is non existent I think .......I have no energy what so ever. I have stopped drinking caffeine...I drink almond milk , green tea and filtered water ...every now and then maybe a coke ( to help with headaches). I eat alot of protein ( chicken, salmon )....curry foods and alot of different spices... and vegetables. I think I eat healthy...I just sporadically gain weight and I don't know why! I get B12 shots from my Dr but it really doesn't help me any. Im so desperate to get back to a size I feel comfortable in. Its a miserable world when you hate how you look. Would also like new friends for encouragement and support. Thanks!


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    First off take a deep breath. I am overwhelmed just by reading your post. Commit to logging your calories that is where you will find out what you can eliminate and still feel like you are eating a good amount. Increase your fiber so you won't feel hungry when you cut those calories a bit. Make sure you aren't retaining water if you have had a sudden weight gain. If you are retaining cut sodium down to the RDA or less and eat bananas. Sounds silly maybe but it works.

    Now dust of the elliptical, park it in front of the tv. Or heck maybe invest in another tv if you don't want it in the living room. Now, watch your favorite shows while you work out. It will be like you aren't even working that hard, but your burn won't care. And now is a good time to get the 11 year old used to a family walk. Take him for a bit of a walk and the other in the stroller they will love it and you will get a burn from that too.
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    I thought I ate healthy too - and I did, I just ate too much. Track every little thing that goes into your mouth, it will make such a difference & you will soon see where the extra calories were hiding.

    As for exercise, you will always feel better after a workout, even if you feel exhausted before you begin! In your case, I would suggest going for a walk/jog early in the morning, so you've not got the excuse of having had a busy day to skip out on it later.

    What helped me was getting a fitbit activity tracker; it showed me how sedentary I was, inspired me to move more throughout the day & I was surprised to see that some days I felt more lethargic from having moved too little than too much & getting out for a walk, no matter how much I wanted to stay on the couch, made me feel 100% better on those days, physically & mentally.

    Good luck.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    I know it's overwhelming at first but you can do this! I had a LOT of weight to lose. You will find a system or a program that works for you. I know that before I lost my weight I did a lot of mindless eating. I am cooking for kids all day and feeding a family and I would absent mindedly eat french toast crust, PB&J crust, goldfish, etc. Start really paying close attention to what you eat. Why you eat it. How it makes you feel when you eat it. Try eating till your satisfied but not till your full.
    Hope this helps
  • Sweetlace7
    Thanks for the advice about water retention ...and I can easily do the walking with my son, as he is a quite energetic athletic boy ( baseball player) and put little one in stroller. Its just so late after work ...usually 8 - 9 once I get home...but now its staying bright outside later into the night....and its cooler at night. Thank you!
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    You're in the right place! Don't become too overwhelmed, just take each day as it comes. Log your food, track your weight and be ready to go slow and steady...

    I have quite a few 30 min, low impact workouts that I do almost every day, feel free to inbox me and I'll send you the links :D

    Good luck on this journey, we're all here to support you!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Chances are good you're doing a pretty good job cooking nutritious food for your family. Portion control is the magic you're looking for. You will be able to accomplish this with measuring cups but it is more accurate and easier if you invest in a food scale and dishers. The dishers look like ice cream scoops and are used in the restaurant industry to give customers reliable portions. Here is my best advice in a nutshell:

    1. Measure your portions.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Move your body in a variety of ways, such as walk, ride a bike, dance, swim...

    One last thought. Be forgiving of yourself. Every day is a new beginning. If you go over one day, stick to your goals the next. Good luck.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I've not been on here too long,but your post brought back memories.I remember being young with 2daughters & so busy I hardly knew where to begin.Busy days for sure.When it comes to losing weight,think we are all gung ho,trying to change things that took years to happen.It turns out to be more than we can handle....another try bites the dust.Ask me how I know :grumble:

    Just doing our best is all anyone can do.Take it slow....learn about eating healthy & go from there. Good luck.