Low carb help!!



  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Mistizoom wrote: »
    Please join your fellow low carbers in the MFP group, The Low Carber Daily Forum: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group. There are many helpful and friendly people who hang out there who love to discuss all things low carb!

    ^^this. You're not going to get much help in the main forums (as you can tell)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    What does any of this have to do with the OP's question?

    @Summerluv326 Your best bet is to look for "paleo" recipes, and pick out the ones that fit your fat intake goals. There is a TON of stuff out there these days. Good luck!

  • seantruscott
    seantruscott Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    liz89118 wrote: »
    I just started low carb myself I hope to do it for a month to help with my sugar cravings, I'm trying to eat clean and low carb and I'm finding it not easy. Today so far I had a chicken patty from trader joes - clean but tons of sodium and for breakfast egg white salad from trader joes not clean but low carb.

    Hello Liz
    Be carefull with your plan here. A low Carb diet is a lifestyle commitment. If you dont intend to stay with it, there is a very good chance that when you come off it you are in a worse position (personal and community based experience).

    Starting a LC eating plan is not easy as in the beginning your body is going to crave what it is used too, easy energy, carbs, easily digested sugars. This is the time when unfortunately you have to be commited and show will power. On LC, less than 100g carbs per day - generally speaking because we are all different though 100g appears to be the recommended maximum, it will take your body roughly 3 to 4 days to consume the glucose in your blood stream at which point, if you've behaved, it will phase into the process of converting fat through the liver to glucose and you will be in ketosis. This is important because glucose is the only energy the brain functions on which may help explain why when one is tired and needs to think one craves the cookies and candies, easy energy for the brain. Now the winner about being in ketosis is that your body makes glucose as the body needs it and draws off of your fat reserves, the other winner is that you rarely feel hungry so stay committed during those first few days.

    If you are not quite in ketosis yet you will still crave food (and sugars). In truth it took me a full two weeks of being in ketosis before I got a handle on the cravings. I had to ask myself frequently, "am I hungry or do i just want the taste satisfaction". I also found it helped when i was not sure to ask myself, "will i feel good or bad about myself if i eat this". If you are honnest with yourself and imagine in the past how its made you feel, more often than not you will not eat it if you've felt or will feel guilty or bodily uncomfortable.

    You may or may not already know all i have said above. If not i hope i have been of some help, but please think seriously about if you want to embark on a LC diet because as i started with, coming off it can make you worse off, gain more weight than you lost, have worse cravings than ever before.

    Research it and understand what LC is about because there are many aspects to this that i cannot explain here without making this longer than it already is. I believe knowledge is paramount to any successful weight managment we chose to embark on. Read the science and stay clear of the tabloids and magazines. There are a growing number of books by medical and scientific professionals that give the facts.

    Two more things to consider, are you going low carb low fat or low carb high fat. If you are very active person or do not have a lot of body fat, then you may need to consider high fat as you may then require more energy than your body can draw from your fat reserves alone. Also,fat is the key to satiating those cravings. My above description is all very brief and simplified which is why i encourage you to research it and understand and ask questions. This seems like a great community right here on fitnesspal to do just that.

    It is also best to make your own food and stay away from processed foods and fast food even when they tout low carb values.

    All the best

  • seantruscott
    seantruscott Posts: 2 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    jetsman32 wrote: »
    I have been on a low carb high fat diet for 3 months and lost 30lbs so far. Try to eat a lot of fat- it is good for you! I eat 15% of my calories from carbs, 20% from protein and 65% from fat. It will be hard to relearn that fat is your new fuel but you will see big results. Google LCHF to learn more!

    This is the wave of the future. Diet and nutrition books are dominated by LCHF. Congratulations on your results!
    Wave of the future?? Ummm right.

    There is something called Amazon. Look up high-fat, low-carb diet. See what's selling. Stop denying reality. 20 years ago low-fat diets were the rage. Now you can't give those books away.

    And what do you suppose will happen to those books years from now?

    There will be more of these books.

    For 30 years the US Government demonized the egg (160 calories for two eggs) and convinced people to eat bagels with low-fat cream cheese (400 calories). Snackwell Cookies were considered a healthy alternative to other cookies because they were low-fat.

    Result? Obesity rates through the roof.

    We have to adjust the way people think. For 30 years they said anything with fat makes you fat. They now admit that concept was total junk science. Good riddance.

    And what makes you think that years from now all the demonizing of carbs won't end the same way fat demonizing did?
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    jetsman32 wrote: »
    I have been on a low carb high fat diet for 3 months and lost 30lbs so far. Try to eat a lot of fat- it is good for you! I eat 15% of my calories from carbs, 20% from protein and 65% from fat. It will be hard to relearn that fat is your new fuel but you will see big results. Google LCHF to learn more!

    This is the wave of the future. Diet and nutrition books are dominated by LCHF. Congratulations on your results!
    Wave of the future?? Ummm right.

    There is something called Amazon. Look up high-fat, low-carb diet. See what's selling. Stop denying reality. 20 years ago low-fat diets were the rage. Now you can't give those books away.

    And what do you suppose will happen to those books years from now?

    There will be more of these books.

    For 30 years the US Government demonized the egg (160 calories for two eggs) and convinced people to eat bagels with low-fat cream cheese (400 calories). Snackwell Cookies were considered a healthy alternative to other cookies because they were low-fat.

    Result? Obesity rates through the roof.

    We have to adjust the way people think. For 30 years they said anything with fat makes you fat. They now admit that concept was total junk science. Good riddance.

    And what makes you think that years from now all the demonizing of carbs won't end the same way fat demonizing did?

    Quite possible the demonizing of carbs will end the same way. One need only look at the myriad of conflicting dietry solutions of the past 10 years to see that we are actually still trying to figure it out.. Science is progressive (usually).

    I think it is incorrect to say carbs are bad here. It is not about carbs being bad. Some important nutrients can only be derived from foods that are considered carbohydrates. Really it is about the macronutrient balance. We require energy and nutrients to function. It is really about the ratio of where that energy comes from.

    So why the carb demonizing? Well there appears to be evidence to suggest that the surgeon general who signed off on the recommended eating plan some 40 odd years ago did so based on bad scientific practices which, if you want to follow conspiracy theorists, that favoured the grain and crop growers which fueled the economy, again, that is if you want to follow conspiracy theory. Maybe they just made a mistake based on bad science. It is of little consiquence as the dietry plan we have been fed for a long time has produced an obese society. To believe that there is only one dietry plan suitable for a population of 7 billion people is naive. There are many milions of people for whom the recommended dietry plan of the last 40 year worked quite well for and a great many for which it didn't. Unfortunately I think like so many things in the health and fitness world people have jumped on the band waggon to profit from it and so the LCHF diet is marketed as the solution for everyone!

    It is important to find what is right for your genetic make up and life style. In my case with a family history of diabeties and my bodies over eagerness to convert those carbs to waistline fat, two doctors on opposite sides of the globe have advised that a LCHF diet is something i should actively pursue and a brief description of the bodies mechanism to process carbohydrates makes that abundantly clear in my case. For a friend whos child suffers from epilepsy, the LCHF diet is recommended as the fat is vital for neurological reasons and it resulted in a positive outcome for the childs epilepsy. This does not mean it is right for everyone.

    Lets be clear, i am an engineer, not a chemist, doctor, microbiologist, etc, but my profession is grounded in science and so i read science, by science i mean scientifc journals and papers and books published by people of science on the subject, not tabloids or magazines, and the more recent scientific findings do suggest a low carb high fat Diet is generally more suitable for our body to process nutrients and energy.

    Anyhow, my long winded interjection is basically to say that it is not about carbs being the root of all evil but the qantity we consume of them is for many the problem.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    dandydan99 wrote: »
    Thin, lightly salted, rice cakes. Use them instead of bread.

    No, that's just a different form of carbohydrate. Ceiling tiles.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    All, lets circle back here. Every time there is a low carb post, there is no need to consistently have this pedantic fight to why someone low carbs or not. Low carb is one of many effective strategies to lose weight. And while many of us do not follow, nor would follow low carb, if it is what helps the OP maintain consistency, then good on them.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    CICO15 wrote: »
    The problem with carbs is that high-calorie junk food is loaded with them, and junk food, of course is yummy. If you can't control your junk food intake, you're going to get lots of excess calories. My weakness was Doritos.

    So when I decided to go low-carb, it meant no more Doritos and other junk. Worked great for me.

    So I don't believe carbs are bad for you in terms weight loss. It's the high calorie junk food that just happens to be loaded with carbs that is bad for weight loss. Unless of course you can eat just a handful of Doritos for a snack. My snack was half the bag.

    You have to keep in mind, that it is just as easy to calorie load up on nuts, creams and fatty cuts of meats as it is Doritos. Heck, I can pound out 15oz + of a strip steak, prime rib or ribeye any day of the week. And guess what, many of those steaks are fairly high calories.

    You also have to keep in mind, that many of us (if not a large portion of people on MFP) who follow an isoenergetic/balanced approach don't load up on "junk" carbs. Personally, 80 to 90% of my diet comes from nutrient dense foods. I consistently high 150 to 180g of protein a day (a lot since I am only 175lbs) and close to 90g of fat, with the remainder carbs (to include a klondike bar most nights).
  • LizBelle2015
    LizBelle2015 Posts: 60 Member
    There's a phase in Atkins called induction. It takes 3-4 days to get rid of carb/sugar cravings. High fiber. Eggs are magic! Good luck.