Easy 1400 calorie diet Plan ideas

hi there, I'm not very creative and all the menu plans I find online require odd (in my book) ingredients. I'm looking for a simple plan. I'm 5,7" 170lbs. Looking to loose 20-30 lbs. I started working out 60+ min 3/wk. thanks in advance. :)


  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Not sure what you're asking? By plan, do you mean low carb, vegan, paleo, etc? Or do you mean specific foods or menus or whatever?

    If it's the latter, it's pretty standard. Lean protein like seafood and poultry. Lots of vegetables. Some high fiber foods like legumes. Some healthy fats like nuts and olive oil. Make sure you hit your protein and fiber goals.
  • Dave55412
    Dave55412 Posts: 88 Member
    I keep it simple for my meals. Grilled chicken breast (I use a George Foreman) and pan fried salmon filet using a zero calorie extra virgin olive oil spray. Both lightly seasoned with a little salt and pepper. And steamed veggies, lightly seasoned. I use the frozen bagged steamers. A shredded cabbage and spinach salad with a light vinaigrette dressing with sliced chicken breast is good.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    At 1400 calories you should be able to eat pretty much anything as long as you watch your portions, even a dessert now and then (or every day, if you eat the right desserts. Lots of ice cream has less than 150 cals per serving). I can eat burgers and pasta and potatoes and stay within 1400, but I plan for it. I keep several kinds of fish and shrimp, Turkey and veggie burgers, chicken breast, and pork loins. I always have salad greens, eggplant and tomatoes, plus some frozen veggie mixes. When I cook things like stews and casseroles, I put individual servings in the freezer so I can have a lazy day without getting fast food.
  • scorpiowoman326
    scorpiowoman326 Posts: 31 Member
    Dave55412 wrote: »
    I keep it simple for my meals. Grilled chicken breast (I use a George Foreman) and pan fried salmon filet using a zero calorie extra virgin olive oil spray. Both lightly seasoned with a little salt and pepper. And steamed veggies, lightly seasoned. I use the frozen bagged steamers. A shredded cabbage and spinach salad with a light vinaigrette dressing with sliced chicken breast is good.

    Exactly what eat-works too-lost tons of weight-keep going!!!! :)